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To reply or not?
A message I had today

"Do you do domination ,,,,forced bi and cum eating for male sub?"

At no point in my enjoys list do I even suggest that I do domination services or anything that suggests that I would be interested in any type ogf that activity, so, i do not reply, but then I rarely reply to any email message.l

It is the same with my phone number, my phone is on 24hrs a day, I never switch it off and only answer it when I feel like it, unless I am working

At what point has anybody the right to tell me that I am wrong in what I do or give me negative feedback because I did not answer their call? I have bee on other forums that suggest that my phone should be answered it is i sswitched on.

You can not dictate to anybody that you own them and have a right to reply or for them to do anything you wish just because you have paid them money, likewise, if you have not had any response from that person both you and they owe the other nothing.

At some point we have to establish some ground rules and for the sake of others that follow in this morden day version of escorting, you are owed nothing, be it from a punter that lets you down after calling to make a booking or a punter that does not get a reply to an email message.

Some girls think that it is ok to call punters and harrass them if they fail to turn up to a booking, i totally disagree with this and accept that it is part of the "Game" and never call anybody that has missed a booking they have made despite havingt their phone number

Should you, as a male punter, have a booking and it not go as planned then there is no reason not to make a negative feedback, but please, let us all keep it for real actions, not ones that we percieve to be let down on.

if we do not, in the next 10 years there will be punters out there that expect the slightest thing from girls just because they initiated a contact, not because they turned up and did not get what they paid for or expected. I often have guys turn up and are shocked that I will mot do anal despite the fact that I do not offer it.

Sarah x x x

PS I also appreciate if I was in my favourite restaraunt, paying £120+ for a meal for two, I would expect a lot better service but we are not in the restaraunt business.
Personally, I do what I can to answer every message and every call. Occasionally the odd one will slip through the net - like this week... I have been a bit poorly and haven't been working and I missed several calls. I think I have text them all to apologise for not getting back to them, but I might have missed one. Hopefully they will call back. But I have answered all my messages... even from guys who I don't want to see.

I've had one tonight, actually... from a 25 year old. Well, I'm not really into young guys so I turned him down... but I didn't ignore him. In fact, I referred him on to another girl.

Some guys are just dicks and them I put on block, but they are in the minority and on the whole anyone who writes to me or calls me will get a reply.

But this is a full time occupation for me... it is my main source of income. To me, it just makes good business sense. I don't see every guy who sends me a message or phones me up, in fact I am very selective... but I do tell them that I'm not going to see them, and I tell them why. There are plenty of other girls out there for them to choose from!

But I'm certainly not going to tell anyone else how they should be doing it... I am just saying what I do.

We are all different and thank goodness for that... there are a lot of girls out there and even more guys... plenty for everyone.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
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I can understand Sarah's point of view, especially if you are having to field countless emails, texts asking things that are on her website etc. There is an all pervading sense of entitlement in a lot of people these days, and anyone working in a service industry will have noticed this change in attitude.

For me, I would always acknowledge receipt at least, even if my reply would be negative. I do think its bad manners not too, and it is something I personally dislike.

As Trinny stated, for her, its good business practice, and I go along with that. On numerous occasions I have gained referrals for work from a third party, and when questioned, found that someone had remembered a reply I had sent that was professional and constructive, even if negative to the request, and had passed my name and contact details on.
I must admit I am a bit dissappointed if a ladies phone is turned on and they do not answer it. I only ever phone between 11am and 3pm. I would sometimes like my e mails to be answered even if its just to say get stuffed but on the whole it is up to the lady what she does
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(08-09-2012, 01:47)Trinity-Belle Wrote: We are all different and thank goodness for that... there are a lot of girls out there and even more guys... plenty for everyone.

I think that is something that we all need to remember

Sarah x x x
I don't always answer emails asking me about escorting...they're either too stupid to read my profile properly/didn't read it at all, or they're just getting their kicks from asking me about escorting knowing full well that I don't!
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
(08-09-2012, 01:19)wife4rent Wrote: It is the same with my phone number, I never switch it off and only answer it when I feel like it,

At what point has anybody the right to tell me that I am wrong in what I do

You can not dictate to anybody

At some point we have to establish some ground rules

(08-09-2012, 01:19)wife4rent Wrote: At what point has anybody the right to tell me that I am wrong in what I do or give me negative feedback because I did not answer their call? I have bee on other forums that suggest that my phone should be answered it is i sswitched on.

As has been said previously this is somewhat subjective and down to personal choice. In fact most of the opinions were probably voiced in spklors "No Reply" thread :-)

For the record, no I don't think you are obliged to respond to an email or answer your phone. I would just try a couple times and move on. I don't see it as personal rebuff in any way.

It is up to you whether that approach makes sense to you, makes business sense to you and you are happy with it.

If guys are silly enough to email or call someone with questions that are already answered on a profile or email asking if someone does 'such and such' when it is quite clearly NOT on their enjoys list then they deserve the contempt they get. We have to conserve our time/energies for the guys who are respectful in the fact that they actually read our profiles.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
(10-09-2012, 17:51)F3rm4t Wrote: For the record, no I don't think you are obliged to respond to an email or answer your phone. I would just try a couple times and move on. I don't see it as personal rebuff in any way.

I think that is always the best way to look at it.

How much time and energy do people want to put into having a simple bit of fun. And should you not be in the mood or have the inclination to respond to somebody / answer your phone, for whatever reason, then they should respect that and move on.

From a girls point of view, as said above, i get lots of timewasters that fail to turn up to an appointment, I do not feel the need to call or harrass those people.

It's a funy old world out there

Sarah x x x

PS I have a guy that sent a message to me asking if I would be available that evening, I did reply within the hour and 6 days later he has yet to read it

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