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Declining a booking
Now and again I find myself declining a booking. Usually I am using my gut instinct or they have said something that has made me feel that we would not be compatible.

Ladies, what kind of things might lead you to decline a booking, having never met the person before.

Guys, if you have ever had a booking declined, why do you think it was?

Some of the reasons I have declined have been:

They obviously hadn't read my profile at all.
Asking stupid questions,
Trying to get off on one during the conversation
Referring to other ladies all the time during the intro conversation
Asking for services I do not offer
Making too many calls despite being asked to stop at certain times of day.
Being rude
Not talking to me like I am a human.
Being too specific about what they want, ie clothing, toys etc.
Wanting to take drugs during the booking
Trying to haggle my rates down
being drunk or they sound high
not reading the profile
repeatedly asking for things i dont offer
sound aggressive
wanking on the phone
not contacting me the way i prefer, if they ignore that they might ignore something during a booking
stupid questions
repeatedly calling to say hi
asking too many personal question to do with family, where i previously worked etc .....
Sometimes people have to ask questions about what is said on the profile, as recently as a few weeks ago I seen someone and asked about a certain question which was shown upon their profile, but as I said at the time, if the profiles were always true, there would be no need to ask questions, but people do tell lies about what is on offer, so the only way of knowing that what you want is to ask, I know that a one question does not make or break the booking, but its better to be sure than to travel a fair distance and find that the profile is shit.

I would hate to think of some of the some of the details I have heard from some punters, where the escort deliberatly lied on profile to get bookings.
I have no problem whatsoever with anyone asking questions about my profile or asking if something is available that is written on there, but do it in a way that confirms to me that it has been read and you are just looking for confirmation and not just too lazy to read it in the first place.

I had a chap call me yesterday asking for a booking. We confirmed that the day and time was available and I asked him if I should put it in my diary when he starts to ask me what we could do together. I told him that I offer a GFE and my services are listed on my profile. He then said he was interested in anal and would I do that. I have dedicated a whole paragraph on my thoughts on anal, so it would be clear to how I felt about it. He was only looking to book half an hour and as I had never met him before I said it was highly unlikely. He then started to back out of the booking. I told him if anal was the main reason for the booking then I was not right for him.

He continued wittering on about it not being the focus, but it was something he was interested in and saying he will get in touch. I know this normally means they have decided not to book, so I told him it might be an idea for him to go and read my profile and then he will know exactly what my thoughts are, as I had spent time writing it specifically for this reason.

He then sarcastically apologised for not reading the profile properly and put the phone down.

The whole phone call was a waste of my time when I should have been getting ready for a booking.

If a guy appears to have multiple personalities or is talking to his friends whilst talking to me.
If they can't string a coherent sentence together for whatever reason.
If they are offensive.

I've never had this, but if someone said "I'm your neighbour/brother/doctor/butcher.....etc", that might put me off!
lol if it was my brother I would need councilling for the rest of my life!
don't mention neighbours I had one on sat who never mentioned until he finished that he stayed less than 100yrds down the street if he had told me that on thee phone I would have declined
(17-05-2011, 09:11)lolo Wrote: don't mention neighbours I had one on sat who never mentioned until he finished that he stayed less than 100yrds down the street if he had told me that on thee phone I would have declined

That reminds me. I did have some one phone and ask to book me and they lived on my street. I told them that I lived quite close and it might be better to meet at a hotel lol. They decided not to meet, which I think was wise.
(17-05-2011, 09:51)CurvaceousKate Wrote:
(17-05-2011, 09:11)lolo Wrote: don't mention neighbours I had one on sat who never mentioned until he finished that he stayed less than 100yrds down the street if he had told me that on thee phone I would have declined

That reminds me. I did have some one phone and ask to book me and they lived on my street. I told them that I lived quite close and it might be better to meet at a hotel lol. They decided not to meet, which I think was wise.

yes that is def the best decision
Yes and why not . Some reasons. ....history of seeing BB girls. not turned up in past. cyber ego jock.etc

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