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Worst Experience with a punter
(30-06-2012, 08:04)curvy crumpet Wrote:
(30-06-2012, 07:32)EliteAnnalise Wrote: Have all of those things happened to you? I'm really hoping you're going to say no!

Unfortunately yes wish I could say no but over the past 3 years it has and that excludes the bullying and other escorts trying to ruin my tours.

But with every bad experience there has been 100 good experiences.
So does that mean you've had 1300 guys xxx.
It seems to be the same in all walks of life I go to peoples houses and it is always the people who seemingly have little money who treat you with respect the people with money expect you to do everything for them without as much as a thank you. Give me a day in the poorer areas in Kent any day rather than the alledged snobs that live in the richer areas. Money I am sorry to say does not bred good manners so I really cannot see how putting ones prices up would ease any problems.

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(06-07-2012, 20:52)niceguy27!! Wrote:
(30-06-2012, 08:04)curvy crumpet Wrote:
(30-06-2012, 07:32)EliteAnnalise Wrote: Have all of those things happened to you? I'm really hoping you're going to say no!

Unfortunately yes wish I could say no but over the past 3 years it has and that excludes the bullying and other escorts trying to ruin my tours.

But with every bad experience there has been 100 good experiences.
So does that mean you've had 1300 guys xxx.

A lady never tells Wink xx
I used to be snow white but drifted...

I love this post. I can really identify with curvey crumpet. I've never had anyone shit on my fingers before though!
I've been robbed at knifepoint, had many many guys try and sometimes succeed in whipping their condom off and shoving it in unprotected. The amount of guys with poor personal hygeine is absolutely dispicable!
I've had bruises over my arms and wrists from men holding me down, welts on my arse from clients slapping me so hard i've shouted out in pain. Men trying to shove their cock so far down my throat they laugh when I gag and almost vomit.
I've had requests from clients who want to bring their pets and 'watch while their dog licks me out', two clients who have bought their laptops in with them and watched kiddie porn (children as young as two) to 'get them going' (while i've excused myself to the bathroom and phoned the police!)
One man punched me in the stomach, another punched me in the face.
And YES its always the men with MONEY who are the most arrogant tossers ever and think nothing can affect them.
I think guys see this kind of thing on the internet and start to think it is "normal". No one who is not obsessed with porn would just dream up stuff like that as original thought... would they?

I have soooooo many guys with very average sized willies, or even fairly large ones who apologise for being so "small" - I have to say to them, those guys you see in the porn films are DEFORMED!

Some guys really do think those things they watch are real.

Suspension of disbelief, I think it's called.

Well, when your brain is between your legs, apparently it is easy to just switch your disbelief off altogether!
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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After reading these posts, I am sincerely lost for words that men can behave to women this way just because they are paying them for sex.
I stayed at a hotel last summer, on the south coast here in the UK, and they offered various treatments and massages...chatting with one lady while having a massage she told me how men will come straight in from a run or using the gym to have a massage, and that it was the most well to do that did not consider how their poor hygiene would affect her. Its the arrogant "I'm paying you to do a job, you will accept me as you find me" attitude, I also wonder if some enjoy being as disgusting as possible for receiving a personal service, just to challenge and see if they get a reaction or to really get their money's worth.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
I can honestly say im after reading the above posts I am seriously considering throwing in the towel when it comes to visiting escorts

I wouldn't dream of behaving in such a way, when I've visited ladies in the past I've always treated them with respect even if they showed me none, & I've always assured my hygiene is at a high standard.....I regret starting this topic
(16-07-2012, 21:57)Toy-Boy-69 Wrote: I wouldn't dream of behaving in such a way, when I've visited ladies in the past I've always treated them with respect even if they showed me none, & I've always assured my hygiene is at a high standard.....I regret starting this topic

Fortunately, the vast vast vast majority of men are just like you, sweetie.

Very few are so horrid or disrespectful as to behave so badly.

Personally, I won't stand for it.

Turn up here unwashed or unkempt and I will show you the door.

The only exception is guys who as soon as they walk in ask to use the shower.

And as for men who fail to show me the proper respect... they leave without getting their oats... minus their money.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
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