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What makes me decide one escort over another.
I forgot to mention that there are also quite a lot of guys who use AW, but don't want their own profile because they feel uncomfortable with it. Some clients feel that having a profile with feedback from all the girls they have seen is just a little bit too public and risky!
I have had a thought whilst going through this thread and perhaps my answer may be a bit of a stream of consciousness but here goes.

They have to make the girl look clean and fresh. If she looks like she needs a scrub then I am not interested.
They have to show your build, I have preferences which vary from booking to booking. Sometimes I like small and slim, sometimes I like heavier built girls but what I don't want is fat and saggy. If I can't tell then I move on.
Boobs, I want to see naked, unsupported boobs because I am paying for a fantasy and pop tarts are not in my fantasy.

If it is written in good English then all is well. If a profile contains U instead of YOU then I will move on as we won't have much in common. A few spelling mistakes is not a problem but I do want to see an attempts at some form of universal English.
If the term CLASSY is used then she probably isn't. that doesn't make it a no go but it tells much about the profile owner.

If there is a reference to offering bareback then forget it. I like Freddy Mercury's music in small doses but I don't wish to emulate the small dose that killed him.
Squirting, I experienced it once, found it a bit odd so a flag goes up, references to "copious squirting" has me running for the door.

Doesn't bother me as long as I can establish to my own satisfaction that she is working independent of coercion and we can communicate.

Telephone call.
Accents and voice tone tell you much. A voice like the Kray Twins tells me that she is a bit more than a "social smoker"

So, deciding is a complex matter and I have only listed a few of my preferences and hang ups. Sometimes I see a profile and just think...."Yes!" and I still don't know why.
I went with trial and error when I had plenty of spare cash. I lived in central London at the time so there was plenty of choice. The good ones I kept their numbers, then once I had 5 good ones I stopped looking.

I haven't punted since being back up north, mainly because I've thrown every penny I've got into starting a new business. I'll be skint for another three months, then I'll be back punting, but I'll be in the same boat as you as I don't know any wg around this area. Altho Sophie of York is currently top of my list once I'm back ontop
Excellent publish. Since an AW account may only have endured for a type time, I usually do some other tinternet queries to see if an carry has any other websites, results etc and study any other separate opinions like punterchat etc. This isn't really possible if you're looking over your neck though..
My method firstly involves using the AW search facility: using ethnicity (as I generally prefer meeting Black ladies), weight (I generally prefer someone along the BBW lines), yes - price, there is a price above which I will not go, sometimes keywords (e.g. dominant or facesitting) and location. Having found a few profiles I then, study the profiles (anything that looks generic I reject immediately), I check to see whether their interests match mine - photo is not critically important, but when telephone number is provided I do a search on that (the reason being, I don't want it to come up multiple times - same person two profiles, I don't have a problem with), other checks as well, including "accessing from" - and I still manage to get it wrong sometimes.

I look for:

Open minded girls.

Not too shy, I feel a bit unconfortable with shy girls.

I like to see a face in the picture, however if the face is covered and the pictures are good. I can be tempted.
I look for girls that dress well.

If it looks to good to be true, for example, stunning picture of model, no feedback 'likes everything' I skip it.
I agree with all the things that the original poster mentioned, I am busy compiling a shortlist of girls I'd like to meat! However, I am a first timer so I am being extra cautious - I guess my major concern at this point is how genuine the girl/listing is. I guess checking over the feedback is the way to go - I would never go with a girl with 0 feedback as much as I wanted to, I find it strange that there are so many girls with 0 feedback and I would have thought they would try and do something to fix this.

I am the paranoid type, but only they survive so they say - I am worried rightly or wrongly that I will go to a girls house and be attacked by some gang and have my cash nicked and sent packing, what could I do? Does this happen? I don't know what a girl can do to alleviate these fears? How does it generally work? Am I allowed to mention the girls from my shortlist here?

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