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Adultworks best features
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We do have our own interests at heart but in general we help anyone who needs help if we can.
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(20-02-2012, 19:03)Miss Stern-one Wrote:
(19-02-2012, 08:02)Freddo Wrote: AW is a good source of finding escorts in your area its easy to use and does give you a lot of good results. The system for searching for escorts is probably the best out there. It is not AWs fault that a lot of the ladies out there are fake or do not deliver what is promised, it is a minefeild but a very interesting minefeild that you have to sort through.

But thats the whole point we all know there are thousands of fake and scam ladies profiles on there but what do they do delete genuine ones just because they are being targetted by a couple of arseholes ( or more likely one arsehole with 2 profiles } who have an axe to grind.

I like wading through the hundreds of adverts that appear in my area it is sometimes the highlight of the day. It is not AWs fault that a vast majority of the escorts on there do not deliver as promised. I have volunteered to do quality control for them on the ladies only. I even offered to do it for free all they had to do was set the bookings up and pay the escorts for there time.
I could then tell them what profiles were genuine. I would have to employ a mate
to try some of the ones that look slightly the worse for wear.

It would be a very interesting job and it would look good on my CV

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I think the best feature of Adultwork is that it works and is there for us to use.

From my point of view, I used to spend a lot of money on advertising when I worked full time, with adult work you get free advertising and even earn money from the system. Working only part time would be a nightmare for advertiseing in local papers, with AW you just set when you are working and where on your profile and the phone rings.

Sarah x x x
A good question and totally unbiased. haha
As a punter; it's free to use. no membership trial period for 10 days crapola. simply register and your good to go.
simple user friendly layout and easy to navigate, even the colours are easy on the eye and yet scream sex.
infinite profile possibilities: a persons profile page can be massive if they take the time and trouble to use the space, options, tabs. (see subslutmel4u to see what i mean)
bad things about AW to make the question totally unbiased are easy.
my favourite time robber and the little reclining naked lady icon.
i do like the icon BUT it rather gives the game away if someone else looks over my shoulder at my screen when i am on the site but the page is closed. ( i know i am mr picky and i know the answer before you shout at me)

This reply crosses over several threads currently running including my own on French kissing but probably starts by belonging here. AW's best feature for me is/was the way you could search for your best match. For example, I want to meet someone within 30 miles of where I live who is straight, bi or bi-curious, does incalls and has photos - OK proximity search with those criteria ticked throws up a selection of possibilities. I'm looking for someone with large breasts and a natural pussy (alright, I'm very particular!) - OK, the profile will narrow the search down for me. No one with a natural pussy - OK, give up on that one! Would like someone who enjoys French kissing and receiving oral - list of do's and don't's will show me who might be suitable. Nearly there. Can't afford huge sums of money so check charges to get down to my price range. Like a girl who looks reasonably attractive - pictures will help here. So now I have, hopefully, a few possibilities to have some fun with! This why I belong to AW! But wait - now I'm being told, in the other threads, that probably 60% of the girls on AW are not being honest! So what's the point - why am I wasting my time?!
There is a plus though and that's the ladies on webcam, including the "notorious" Romanians - I have met and had a great time with quite a few of them and, of course, because you are both really living out a bit of fantasy, a bit of play acting doesn't do any harm although, to me, some do come over as very genuine!
I have found it helpfull finding model's & escort's to do shared content shoot's with that we have both made some money from as well as becoming friend's. The georgeous Amica Bentley AKA Dirtykinkybitch (my profile photo here) being one of them & i do understand it has it's bad point's but if it help's as make a few ££'s they way thing's are at the minute i can't complain !!!

(18-02-2012, 13:40)Admin Wrote: Whats adultworks best features from your point of view? (client, webcam performer, escort etc)

In my last post I forgot to include the part that feedback and Field Reports play in the selection process. Both of these are really useful. However, some escorts don't/won't use the AW booking system so can't/don't want to be left feedback or Field Reports and not all punters bother to leave any sort of feedback. I'm beginning to think the sticker in the phone box might have its advantages after all Big Grin
PS Sorry to be so cynical but I really thought AW was great and my confidence has taken a bit of a knock from some recent posts!
Do I take it from the lack of response to my last couple of posts that nobody agrees with me or I have hit the nail on the head or nobody cares anyway?!
Apart from the fact that AW wants ££££ for everything they do I think their system works just fine. There have been many who have tried promoting similar ones and others who still are but AW has been doing well worldwide for quite a number of years now so I see no need for another.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
(24-02-2012, 10:44)hornynomad Wrote: In my last post I forgot to include the part that feedback and Field Reports play in the selection process. Both of these are really useful. However, some escorts don't/won't use the AW booking system so can't/don't want to be left feedback or Field Reports and not all punters bother to leave any sort of feedback. I'm beginning to think the sticker in the phone box might have its advantages after all Big Grin
PS Sorry to be so cynical but I really thought AW was great and my confidence has taken a bit of a knock from some recent posts!

I think the feedback system had advantages for both clients and escorts however, even though I get a lot of work through AW, most of my clients prefer to phone and arrange a spur of the moment date rather than making a booking through the system. It seems to be only the supremely organised men, who like to make a booking well in advance, use the the booking system and leave me feedback. That's just my experience, does anyone experience the same thing?

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