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Southampton Scam
A few months ago I had a chap come to me and he was very flattering when he first saw me, told me he thought I looked gorgeous and went straight in for a full on kiss. As soon as we got into the bedroom he was very full on again and I had never met him before, so I did pull back and say it was time to settle up, before getting too full on.

He then made up a story about leaving his wallet in his car. He left and I watched him through the window, get straight back in and drive off. He was not looking for his wallet.

I sent him a message later telling him he should not have tried to pull a fast one with me and he replied saying he realised he had left his wallet at the band and went straight back there.

Now... surely he would have sent me a message apologising and explaining himself if that was the case? He was trying to get a freebie and it back fired, simple as that. It's the first time in nearly 2 years, but once is enough. You can never be too careful.
(29-09-2011, 13:29)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: Also, any forum will tell you to get money up front WITH EVERYONE and I think this is wise, for then you can both relax and know you are paid. Many fems are embarassed to ask but I think embarassment has to be put in back pocket when working.

i Always ask for the money within about a min of them getting into my room , its annoying when they seem to think its ok to touch b4 they have paid and i always say to them sorry but you have to pay 1st before you can touch me x lol
I expect you heard about the scam in Bournemouth last year but just in case

This is a link to the whole story which happened to a number of clients in Boscombe including me.

Quick summary, nice girl takes your money , takes a call and says better reception out of the room you are in, says make yourself confortable and leaves the room, 5 mins later 2 large black guys pretend to be coming home and kick off saying what the f... are you doing in my flat. No oscars awarded but you don’t argue and get out quick.
You are only to pleased to be in one piece but of course she has gone with the money.
This was done using adultwork profiles which they kept changing and I have no doubt are still doing it just in different towns for a few days.
(30-09-2011, 07:14)Freddo Wrote: I always pay on arrival without waiting for the lady to ask for it

Me too and it's up to lady whether she counts it in front of me or not. I certainly don't find it embarrassing, after all I'm paying for something just like anything else you have to pay for. Also, I like to get payment out of the way quickly so I can get on with the real purpose for being there!
i have to say all new clients i count the money there and then i have caught one or 2 out this way Smile
I got scammed by 3 different girls 2 from Adultwork and one from an ad in a newspaper. I wont go into it to much but just to say that one of the escort girls that scammed me left me very scared and shook me up for a bit and the other two where not that bad and so I know how the Southampton scam bloke feels. After I got scammed I took myself of Adultwork. I rejoind again at Christmas and I am glad I did as I have met the most amazing escort girl ever.
It is just not fair that there are people in the world that think they can scam people and hurt people and get away with it.

Hope you have reported the scammers. There are a lot of escorts out there who take your money and do not deliver the goods. In fact I would add in recent months there have been more ladies that rip you off than actually deliver.

One of the biggest fiddles I hate is the amount of ladies that have things on there enjoys list and also say they do when you get in touch then when you get there they do not deliver or try to con you out of more money
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I always ask for the money within the first 5 minutes or so of a date and I count the money in front of my clients too. If the money hasn't been offered before I ask, I then say "shall we get the paper work out of the way?". I think it's a nicer way of asking for the payment without any embarrassment. I then tell clients that I will count the money out in front of them, just in case there's any mistakes. I've never met any clients who have had an objection to this and why should they? After all, if you buy something in a shop, the shop assistant isn't too embarrassed to count the money in front of you or ask for your credit card! Unfortunately there are people out there who will try and get away without paying or will try and short-change you and mistakes can sometimes be made by genuine clients when counting the money. I had a lovely regular client who I saw every week for a year and every week he would give me my fee with £10 short. I never understood why he did this because he knew that I counted the money in front of him and I always asked for the missing £10!
(17-02-2012, 09:21)EliteAnnalise Wrote: I always ask for the money within the first 5 minutes or so of a date and I count the money in front of my clients too. If the money hasn't been offered before I ask, I then say "shall we get the paper work out of the way?". I think it's a nicer way of asking for the payment without any embarrassment. I then tell clients that I will count the money out in front of them, just in case there's any mistakes. I've never met any clients who have had an objection to this and why should they? After all, if you buy something in a shop, the shop assistant isn't too embarrassed to count the money in front of you or ask for your credit card! Unfortunately there are people out there who will try and get away without paying or will try and short-change you and mistakes can sometimes be made by genuine clients when counting the money. I had a lovely regular client who I saw every week for a year and every week he would give me my fee with £10 short. I never understood why he did this because he knew that I counted the money in front of him and I always asked for the missing £10!

Maybe he thought it was a discount or he just liked you asking for it

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(18-02-2012, 00:20)Freddo Wrote: he just liked you asking for it

That could be it, maybe in his fantasy after the rest of the money was paid he could think he was only giving you £10 and that you had to beg for it

Who really knows what others think

Sarah x x x

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