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Strange experience...
Hi.. Am new here so sorry if I offend anyone or say the wrong things..!

I've been with 2 escorts in the last few years as I've been in and out of relationships.. Anyway, the first experience was ok, nothing special but ok... Anyway, the second experience was an escort visiting my hotel.. I'd had a few drinks and she came in, had a drink then asked if she minded if she 'did a line'...

Now, I've experimented in the past and she offered me one, which I accepted... Anyway, it was an unbelievable hour with the best sex I think I've ever had..!!

I reckon I'd like to repeat the same thing again sometime but that escort was the other side of the country...

The thing is, whilst it was strange, it really was fantastic but I bet it would sound way too dodgy, even if I found an escort who enjoyed 'it', particularly if I arranged it...

Anyone else had a similar experience or got advice on how I might be able to do this again?

Many thanks...
hi welcome to the forum. enjoy it.
i have dabbled over the years and done it with partners but never with a wg. my advice would be twofold. if you wait long enough on here the girls will tell you the best way to approach the subject or just ask the wg when you message about a meeting. the worst is that you wont get a reply!!!!
I don't know other girls approach this but I personally wouldn't see a client if I knew he was taken anything like that. Being asked the question would make me so no to the punter. So i would expect answers like that. I find it strange a WG would behave that way as one did in your experience?! Huh
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
[Image: sigbanner.jpg]
If any one mention drugs to me then I would not see them, even after just an enquiry. If they bought any to. Booking they would be asked to leave.
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Interesting replies so far.. Thanks for your comments..

Yeah, I was thinking primarily about whether any WG's would be interested in joining in as clearly it would be odd for just one person to be doing it...

Thanks again..
I've been asked for that on quite a few occasions and my reply is always the same... NO! I'm not into drugs and I've found in the past that men on coke tend to get aggressive and quite agitated. I had a bad experience once where an agency sent me to a party that one of the owners had set-up for himself and a number of his friends. I didn't realize it, but they had all been doing coke and the guy who chose me was virtually throwing me around the room, not good!
(24-01-2012, 16:11)PaulD32 Wrote: Hi.. Am new here so sorry if I offend anyone or say the wrong things..!

I've been with 2 escorts in the last few years as I've been in and out of relationships.. Anyway, the first experience was ok, nothing special but ok... Anyway, the second experience was an escort visiting my hotel.. I'd had a few drinks and she came in, had a drink then asked if she minded if she 'did a line'...

Now, I've experimented in the past and she offered me one, which I accepted... Anyway, it was an unbelievable hour with the best sex I think I've ever had..!!

I reckon I'd like to repeat the same thing again sometime but that escort was the other side of the country...

The thing is, whilst it was strange, it really was fantastic but I bet it would sound way too dodgy, even if I found an escort who enjoyed 'it', particularly if I arranged it...

Anyone else had a similar experience or got advice on how I might be able to do this again?

Many thanks...

Hi paul
well i have used coke when on a visit and your right its amazing .
havnt been offered for a few months now but its all fun and sex is wonderful
Thanks for your reply Jessica.. Didn't think I was alone in thinking this..!

What's the best way if finding out (without offending anyone), if a WG near Halifax / Huddersfield / Bradford areas would be in interested in partaking on an outcall..??

Many someone might see this and get in touch.,?

Thanks for your replies..
(25-01-2012, 18:41)iluvjem Wrote: I don't know other girls approach this but I personally wouldn't see a client if I knew he was taken anything like that. Being asked the question would make me so no to the punter. So i would expect answers like that. I find it strange a WG would behave that way as one did in your experience?! Huh

Yep I have to agree with Jem, that is a big no no and a client will be shown the door. As for alcohol I will only have a glass if out to dinner with a client.

My question is doesn't it offend you that she needed drugs to enjoy a session with you?
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(26-01-2012, 19:25)jayzee77 Wrote: If any one mention drugs to me then I would not see them, even after just an enquiry. If they bought any to. Booking they would be asked to leave.

I do not take drugs nor would I want them or any trace of them in my place, the same goes with alchohol when I am woking. I also do not entertain anybody using poppers.

My biggest concern for anybody that looks for escorts that do indulge is that you may end up with other problems, being robbed or blackmailed. You may also find that you may not get as good experience the next girl you find that uses. A lot of bad stories that guys talk about with escorts are with ones that are drug users.

Sarah x x x


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