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this is stupidity
should let folk that do this on purpose rot away
I despair.
Persecuting someone for a personal choice is something you may want to consider.

People do many things that may be considered odd or dangerous to the eyes looking in, prostitution being one of them.

Each to their own
yeah but when it costs thousands to airlift cause they are so fat its the taxpayers who have to fork that money out
(01-12-2011, 23:07)lolo Wrote: yeah but when it costs thousands to airlift cause they are so fat its the taxpayers who have to fork that money out


If she or anyone wants to pursue a lifestyle which they know is life threatening then let them - live and let live - that's fine. If they then need medical attention or supported living assistance thus removing from the public purse due to their life choices then IMO they shouldn't be granted these until they prove they have stopped their destructive lifestyle and are making a change on their own - and so not just using the state as a crutch whilst they carry on with their selfish ways.
(01-12-2011, 23:05)Lou4fun Wrote: Persecuting someone for a personal choice is something you may want to consider.

People do many things that may be considered odd or dangerous to the eyes looking in, prostitution being one of them.

Each to their own

That's not the same thing. She is being entirely selfish, she has two kids to consider, and she cannot work because of her weight. So who's propping up her lifestyle? At least sexworkers are paying their own way, and yes sexwork can be dangerous if you don't do it responsibly, but this is sheer selfish stupidity. How are her kids going to feel when she's dead, because her heart failed, or the like?
How does someone who is not working and is bringing up 2 kids afford to eat the sheer volume in order to be that big? It does seem odd that someone could be proud of debilitating themselves to the point where they can barely walk and actively make themselves bigger. The health risks are immense and it does make you wonder how much she can love her children when she is setting them this example and possibly leaving them Motherless while they are still young? It is a selfish and wreckless act in my opinion, that will cost tax payers money and therefore I do disaprove for many reasons.

It's one thing to get overweight due to medical reasons/depression etc, it's quite another to do it with intent.
(01-12-2011, 23:05)Lou4fun Wrote: Persecuting someone for a personal choice is something you may want to consider.

People do many things that may be considered odd or dangerous to the eyes looking in, prostitution being one of them.

Each to their own

I would agree with you Lou if that person didnt affect the people around her by doing this crazy thing. She is being totally irresponsible with her quest. She will kill herself by doing it; you can see that she has no respect for her children as she clearly couldnt care less if she died and left them without a mother.

Just think of the medical resources she could tie up if she needed treatment. Ok she may well be insured (doesnt everyone require to be in the US?) but the insurance company would have a fit if they knew what she was up to. I firmly believe that we, as a people, have a duty of care to ourselves to try and keep healthy.

What also makes me mad is that she could possibly think that it is ok to pile on the pounds. I have been on a diet for 6 months because if I didnt I would die. Now I weighed in at about 275 lbs before I started. She is 3 times that weight so she must be a walking time bomb.

Any pastime undertaken irresponsibly is dangerous to some; you mention prostitution as being one - yes it might be, but the vast majority take it very seriously and ensure they are safe.

Off my soapbox now, if anyone wants it, it is in the corner.
just awful.
Sometimes people do things that they know they shouldn't. Addictive behaviour is actually quite common, but most people can exercise some control, however some can't. Addictive eating is a disfunction which needs help, just as much as any other disorder, maybe we should be feeling sorry for the woman, as she obviously has not received the help she requires?
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