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Like all drugs, they affect different people in different ways.
There is a report today that links the "pill" with prostate cancer.

what did I do Kate?
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(16-11-2011, 09:04)jayzee77 Wrote: what did I do Kate?

You learned from experience Jayzee. You noticed your life changed drastically after taking the pill, consulted the doctor/clinic, made change and adapted to your body and situation. It sounds like it was not an easy task, but at least you were checking out your medication and researching your methods and not just taking whatever you were given with blind trust.
I've had one migraine since the coil and am waiting to see if they restart.. one a month i can cope with.. more i can't and it will come out.
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Jayzee I started taking propranolol for migraines when I was celibate. When I went on the mini pill everything went haywire. I tried coming off the propranolol and the migraines came back. So I switched to the mirena coil and keep up to propranolol. It works for me. Hope it works for you xxx
i had propanol i think or something like that it was a serotonin supplement but it made me to tired and lethargic, so stopped taking them.
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(16-11-2011, 21:03)jayzee77 Wrote: i had propanol i think or something like that it was a serotonin supplement but it made me to tired and lethargic, so stopped taking them.

It's worth checking if you did have the same as Ann or not Jayzee, as sometimes a little tweek can make the world of difference.

As Kate knows, I'm always tired and lethargic, so I couldn't tell the difference!
That's a good point Ann, maybe it's your medication doing it?
No, I slept a lot before. Sleep standing up,me.

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