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deeper relationship
I agree Gia, no one was trying to 'witch hunt' anyone Dee, but IMO there was no incorrect translation, it was written the way it was written and the option to 'edit' was not taken ..............

Unfortunately, Rottweiller springs to mind but people are always made welcome on the forum, if they choose to leave that is up to them.

I don't for one minute believe the other poster was embarrassed.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Certainly no witch hunt from me, I was just trying to give him the opportunity to clarify a point and when I discovered my interpretation of the post was wrong, I gave some friendly advise. How he chose to take that was purely up to him.
(31-10-2011, 13:52)razzar Wrote: What do clients, or providers do when they meet someone during the course of work, whom they would like to know deeper than just the normal superficial level? How do you get from clients to friends--can the gulf be crossed?

Do not try until you know the lady really well and do not spend all your time in bed
Remember you will see her at her best all the time you are a client
She will not be like that all the time
I know a few wgs that are a great laugh when they are not working
and they get upset miserable all the things a lady would not do whilst you are paying them
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

You need to get past the client escort phase before anything can happen. Then she will just want to be a friend

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I think that's it's a relationship that's conducted in private, it starts when the door is opened or the cash handed over and finishes when the door is closed. Anything else can lead to trouble for both sides.
It takes a very strong man to be able to cope with you being or having been an escort.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(02-11-2011, 08:52)curvy crumpet Wrote: It takes a very strong man to be able to cope with you being or having been an escort.

I agree, I don't think that I could handle it.
In that case my partner and I are lucky. We are both escorts, either working alone or together. We have been together eight years, married six. A client is just that, a client.
If he/she is using escorts now, can you be sure that they won't continue after you have got together.
Strange this is a conversation a client and i just had and he said he was surprised at how many clients and wg's get involved one way or another and it majority of the time ends badly.

Clients have to realise that we are just like any other woman, you get the good side to us just as much as we get to see the better side of a client. Take away all the make up, the lingerie and the lovey dovey words and you get the grumpy premenstrual bitch who will rip your head off for leaving the toilet seat up, had a headache when you fancy some nookie. Same for the client you dont know what is waiting for you on the other side of the hill.

Business is business and that is how it should be seen, the lines are blurred far too often and can lead to far too much trouble for either sides if either party do not get what they want.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(02-11-2011, 15:40)curvy crumpet Wrote: Business is business and that is how it should be seen, the lines are blurred far too often and can lead to far too much trouble for either sides if either party do not get what they want.

Wise words Dee and very important that it's not forgotten.

Nevertheless I don't think that precludes having a genuine friendship with an escort, if you get on on a cerebral level as well as a physical level, it just means that extra caution needs to be exercised when communicating with each other.

I just want to have fun Tongue

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