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rant of the day
councils not putting up notices that a road is closed Angry
grrrrr I hate that too. It can really muck your whole day up.
2nd rant totally fucking something up AngryAngryAngry
Had to take my son to college again this morning. The neighbour is happy to take him as long as he is outside ready to go when she goes, but 9 times out of 10 he cocks it up and misses it and then he doesn't have enough time to get the bus.

I drove him there in my pjs this morning. I want to take my laptop with me to the apartment this morning and just couldn't have got organised or got it into the car without him seeing, so back home now instead of where I should be, at the apartment.

Sooooooo frustrating, especially when the apartment is close to the college.
Had a client this afternoon nice guy he asked to use the shower before hand great I thought,I could hear him in the bathroom fiddling with the shower head but thought nothing of it. Afterwards I asked him if he wanted to shower again yes he says and of he goes,the I hear a scream as he shouts your shower has attacked me it has jumped of the wall, yes you guessed it he hadnt put the shower head back properly the first time and with the pressure of the water it had flew of the wall.

I am now ankle deep in water trying top mop it all up make up towels everything is soaked.
Silly man! Still, at least he was clean!

aw voicemail service for not understanding my scottish accent
exhausts AngryAngryAngryAngryAngry
oops and you have a mild scottish accent too.
it gets very strong when angry

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