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Beautiful woman, look in the mirror Kate!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
(09-10-2011, 12:53)digger1967a Wrote: mmmmmm.
Beautiful woman, look in the mirror Kate!

You've not seen me Tongue
(09-10-2011, 12:50)CurvaceousKate Wrote:
(09-10-2011, 11:49)digger1967a Wrote:
(09-10-2011, 10:02)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I shall be making brunch today. This will include bacon, sausage, tomatoes, fried bread, poached eggs, hash browns and beans. Yum, yum. Not going to start making it for another half an hour yet though.
Do you provide this as a service Kate? Full english served by a beautiful woman, I think that would be a Builders Heaven!

I can do the full english, but not sure where the beautiful woman is coming from lol.

I do actually offer a 3 course meal from my apartment for over night stays. I like the idea of wining and dining someone. It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and I enjoy making people happy, so it's a win, win. Sadly no one has taken me up on the idea yet, but you never know.

And you didnt think to mention any of this, earlier this morning !! tut tut

Could have popped in for breakfast.....does a four hour drive come into the catergory of 'popping in'? Rolleyes

Actually glad you didnt mention it, as I would have been hungry all morning, lol.

(09-10-2011, 12:54)CurvaceousKate Wrote: You've not seen me Tongue

I have it on good authority!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
And I quote "Kate is a stunning glamorous redhead who turns heads with her sensual sex appeal"
you see!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
(09-10-2011, 12:54)Vulcan1 Wrote:
(09-10-2011, 12:50)CurvaceousKate Wrote:
(09-10-2011, 11:49)digger1967a Wrote:
(09-10-2011, 10:02)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I shall be making brunch today. This will include bacon, sausage, tomatoes, fried bread, poached eggs, hash browns and beans. Yum, yum. Not going to start making it for another half an hour yet though.
Do you provide this as a service Kate? Full english served by a beautiful woman, I think that would be a Builders Heaven!

I can do the full english, but not sure where the beautiful woman is coming from lol.

I do actually offer a 3 course meal from my apartment for over night stays. I like the idea of wining and dining someone. It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and I enjoy making people happy, so it's a win, win. Sadly no one has taken me up on the idea yet, but you never know.

And you didnt think to mention any of this, earlier this morning !! tut tut

Could have popped in for breakfast.....does a four hour drive come into the catergory of 'popping in'? Rolleyes

Actually glad you didnt mention it, as I would have been hungry all morning, lol.

Oh Vulcan, breakfast was just for me and my boy this morning. I'm at home at the moment. I have to say since I finally got round to cleaning the kitchen floor yesterday, it's so much nicer to cook in there.

The apartment has electric hobs (not my favourite), but I've made some good sushi over there and I made a thai red chicken curry with pak choi (is that how you spell it?) for a chap that I was considering dating. It all went down well, but I had changed my mind about him by the morning lol.

I'm so fickle!!!!
Well I think I will have to make my next breakfast stop somewhere much further north, I hear some of the local delicacies are simply devine. Wink

Lol you talking stovies there?
(09-10-2011, 13:14)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Lol you talking stovies there?

Oh, yes stovies as well.
lol always the bridesmaid and never the bride me. Oh well, as I said to lolo, I'll make the hats and if I get to be head bridemaid, tradition has it that I get to get off with the best man.

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