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no water
lol u must be joking, he wouldnt pay anything towards it
What a tosser. If that had been me, I wouldn't have dreamed of not paying at least something towards the replacement, if not all. Mind you I wouldnt have jumped into the bath.

No wonder OH was pretty pee'd off!
Now Monty you have given me an image of you jumping naked into Lolo's bath and her pulling you out by the scrotum hair. Cheers!
My pleasure Ann (well not if you drag me around by the scrotum hair but you know what I mean he he!)
Oh damnations. There goes that evil plan. You're no fun!
Well one day I would like to think you might give me the chance to prove that I am fun!!!
Lolo you really have some amusing things happen to you I think you have done the Bs now what with a Banana suit and a Batman, how about starting the cs now I will throw one in for you to think about Catwoman, now that is interesting I think you would look really good in it and it will be much hotter and sexier than a banana suit
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(06-10-2011, 07:28)Freddo Wrote: Lolo you really have some amusing things happen to you I think you have done the Bs now what with a Banana suit and a Batman, how about starting the cs now I will throw one in for you to think about Catwoman, now that is interesting I think you would look really good in it and it will be much hotter and sexier than a banana suit

never say never freddo Wink

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