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Southampton Scam
I have one client I have been seeing longer than most of my relationships and I admit with him I don't get the money up front, but then we so often run over time and where it starts as one hour it often goes way over that and he usually gives me more than the agreed amount. I have a few that I know I don't have to ask in advance, but the majority I do.
I always pay up front, it is only polite, if nothing else.
I reckon you probably are wise beyond your tender years Kate (but I bet you are 'tight' as well! LOL).
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
Put your tongue in digger - youre going to trip up over it - ROFL. Wink
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
What, is that how I find out?
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
That depends on how long your tongue is digger, shall I ask Ann? lol
No, u should ask me! But I ain't telling!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
I always like to pay up front as payment is the last thing on my mind afterwards. On occasions it causes the odd problem as the girls I see frequently sometimes say "later" if we are already in a clinch, memory then fails and I feel bad, especially as the girls don't ask outright, they try to hint.
I always pay on arrival without waiting for the lady to ask for it
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

Payment always upfront, money either in an envelope or put to one side, i never accept money in my hand or to be counted out into my hand.

When the client is in the bathroom, i count to make sure it is correct and put it away. That way it is done discretely and without causing embarrassment.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(30-09-2011, 01:48)digger1967a Wrote: No, u should ask me! But I ain't telling!

That's cut that one dead then. A little mystery is good, but a closed door get's you no where.

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