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Southampton Scam
I had a client in Southampton visit me and he told me of a bad experience he had.

He went to visit a girl in a hotel but she told him she was running late, he was unsure but she promised him an hour booking for the cost of half hour if he would wait, so he did.

The girl arrived and took him to the room, he paid her and she told him she had to go downstairs to put the money in the car. he then got a phone call saying a guy was hassling her and could he come down to help her, which he did.

he was told that she had damaged a wing mirror and had to pay and would he help her out. He declined topay for the damage and told the hotel reception, who were uninterested. So he left, minus his money already paid.

He seemed genuine but you never know, it all seemed a little strange but I guess punters do feel vulnerable as well as girls that work

quite right wtf should he pay for her wing mirror
That is a clever little scam there the guy hasslling her was probably in on it as well
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The thing is. How is she supposed to have done it if she just went down to pay a taxi? To be honest any man who agrees for the lady to leave under the pretence of paying the driver is asking for trouble. The golden rule from what I can gather is to always say you will go with her and that way she can't hot foot it while you're upstairs none the wiser or cook up little schemes like this one.
As I said he seemed quite genuine about the story. However, guys have been scammed for years by girls that take the money up front and then disappear.

I heard of a girl that once used to meet guys in the bar, take the money, tell them the room number and ask them to give her 10 minutes to get herself ready for them. They would then find the room did not exist.

A girl I used to know went out to meet a client, spent £150 on a new dress as he said it was to be an all night session at a swanky do and he was paying her a lot of money. he met him at a bar, they had a few drinks with him "getting to know her" with his hands. After a few drinks he then disappeared having not paid her, lesson learnt.

I guess we all have had to learn a lesson or two at some point.

I think I must be really tight as I always get money up front with newbies. I caught one guy out that way.
(29-09-2011, 10:47)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I think I must be really tight as I always get money up front with newbies. I caught one guy out that way.

Not tight Kate, just a wise head on a young body Big Grin
(29-09-2011, 07:02)Freddo Wrote: That is a clever little scam there the guy hasslling her was probably in on it as well

I dont think the guy was 'probably' in on it .................. I'm sure the guy was definitely in on it. Call me suspicious but just sounds like another scam ........ not too well thought out one. Mind you she still got money out of client for nothing. Not good at all.

(29-09-2011, 07:11)CurvaceousKate Wrote: The thing is. How is she supposed to have done it if she just went down to pay a taxi? To be honest any man who agrees for the lady to leave under the pretence of paying the driver is asking for trouble. The golden rule from what I can gather is to always say you will go with her and that way she can't hot foot it while you're upstairs none the wiser or cook up little schemes like this one.

She didnt say she was going to pay taxi, she said she was going to put money in the car - strange thought but this guy obviously fell for it.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
(29-09-2011, 13:25)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote:
(29-09-2011, 07:02)Freddo Wrote: That is a clever little scam there the guy hasslling her was probably in on it as well

I dont think the guy was 'probably' in on it .................. I'm sure the guy was definitely in on it. Call me suspicious but just sounds like another scam ........ not too well thought out one. Mind you she still got money out of client for nothing. Not good at all.

(29-09-2011, 07:11)CurvaceousKate Wrote: The thing is. How is she supposed to have done it if she just went down to pay a taxi? To be honest any man who agrees for the lady to leave under the pretence of paying the driver is asking for trouble. The golden rule from what I can gather is to always say you will go with her and that way she can't hot foot it while you're upstairs none the wiser or cook up little schemes like this one.

She didnt say she was going to pay taxi, she said she was going to put money in the car - strange thought but this guy obviously fell for it.

Sorry but that is even worse. Why would anyone leave money in an abandoned vehicle, where it is even more vunerable? Bless he must have been gullible.
Also, any forum will tell you to get money up front WITH EVERYONE and I think this is wise, for then you can both relax and know you are paid. Many fems are embarassed to ask but I think embarassment has to be put in back pocket when working.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.

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