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Boundaries between Escorts and clients
Ive never needed professionalism in my life. I treat everyone pretty much equally with the exception of family who get love and free or cheap help from me.

As for seeing escorts, is exactly the same as getting to know non-escorts. For me theres no difference except the chance of finding love with an escort is rare... just the same as going out to bars and clubs - at least with an escort its a guaranteed lay which is all of whats on most mens minds when they are out on the town.
I think it makes more sense when there is something more and beyond the business selling points between two human beings either within the sexual nature or otherwise. Conversation is kept up well in the words when good nature is appearing in the background. Surely there are some bottom lines in all our connections but individual sanity has to prevail in all type of relationship to keep it going
At the end of the day clients are not our partners they go home to their partners at the end of the day and live happily ever after, where we return home single majority of the time.

Having a good "working sexual" relationship with your client is paramount as not only is your client to feel at ease and enjoy his time with you but so do you need too.

There has to be boundaries as a lot of clients can be just as guilty as working girls in manipulating people. I have burnt my fingers many a times with a client where I assumed that they were friends too and learnt my lessons the hard way.

There are exceptions to the rule, but rules there have to be or fingers will be burnt on both ends.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(10-09-2011, 06:21)Tom30 Wrote: Ive never needed professionalism in my life. I treat everyone pretty much equally with the exception of family who get love and free or cheap help from me.

As for seeing escorts, is exactly the same as getting to know non-escorts. For me theres no difference except the chance of finding love with an escort is rare... just the same as going out to bars and clubs - at least with an escort its a guaranteed lay which is all of whats on most mens minds when they are out on the town.

Have to ask why do you feel that finding love with an escort is rare?
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(10-09-2011, 11:20)curvy crumpet Wrote: Have to ask why do you feel that finding love with an escort is rare?

There are so many reason that a "punter meets escort and they fall in love" relationship would not work. I have known many try it but all have failed, that is not to say that it has not worked out for some people

I think it would take a new topic to discuss it in details and I don't have the energy to start one today.

(10-09-2011, 14:13)wife4rent Wrote:
(10-09-2011, 11:20)curvy crumpet Wrote: Have to ask why do you feel that finding love with an escort is rare?

There are so many reason that a "punter meets escort and they fall in love" relationship would not work. I have known many try it but all have failed, that is not to say that it has not worked out for some people

I think it would take a new topic to discuss it in details and I don't have the energy to start one today.


That is true as sometimes clients assume we need rescuing, please do not take this the wrong way. But unfortunately some clients perception with regards to why we are in this occupation could be very different to the reasons we actually chose to work as escorts.

But yes, sometimes relationships work out and sometimes they do not for many various reasons.

I used to be snow white but drifted...

(10-09-2011, 11:20)curvy crumpet Wrote: Have to ask why do you feel that finding love with an escort is rare?
Because either:
he dont fancy her
she dont fancy him
she has her own rule to never form feelings for a client
he is married and only seeks sex, so if she fancies him it cant happen
she enjoys the job and feels she'd have to stop doing it if she gives in to love
he'd never love her because of the vast amount of men shes been with

Me personally, id absolutely love a girlfriend who escorts, it turns me on knowing some bloke is knocking the back end out of her, as long as she only loves me then its a perfect relationship to me. But whenever i tell this to an escort the usual response is she wouldnt like that - she'd want him to feel he shouldnt want her having sex with other men.

Swinger clubs are no good, most of them arnt my type.

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