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Boundaries between Escorts and clients
(08-09-2011, 09:06)curvy crumpet Wrote: For me there has to be boundaries as some gentlemen might take the proverbial "piss". I am a service provider in a business even though once the business is out of the way we can get down to the fun. We are here to provide you with that feel good factor during the period you request our time for.

But in saying that I am on "friendly" terms with clients especially my regular gents and for overnights or dinner dates I do provide them with a "special" rate.

The problem is that when a client becomes a friend you have to draw a line, either they are a friend or a paying client. In my private life I would not in a million years consider shagging a friend and the same would go for a client who turns out to be a friend, you can not have it both ways. Either you want to be my friend or my client.

Clients can play very dangerous games and sometimes it can cause a lot of animosity between girls who do not even know each other just because of the say so from a client who might not have gotten his own way.

Hence why I have boundaries and will never cross them.

Hello curvy crumpet and welcome to the forum.

I do agree with you that you do have to be careful etc, but I don't agree with the fact that you can't have sex with a friend. My best friend has also been my FB. He's a wonderful person and our friendship is very secure, which is why we are able to dabble now and again, although I haven't done for some time due to the fact that I'm now doing it for a living and I've not wanted to, but it's certainly not because he is my friend.

I also have some very dear friends that I still meet for bookings. I feel lucky that we have established a clear differentiation between the friendship and the booking and it doesn't seem to make it complicated at all. I think it gets complicated when it is the chemistry that is stronger than the friendship.

Of course you don't have sex with all your mainstream friends, but that is because you have likely known them a long time and throughout your life and it wouldn't be very discreet and likely you would be treading on the toes of other friends. You don't get to your 30s without your friends forming relationships with other people and there does have to be respect there, but this is a whole different ball game, as you met through the sex industry. Well, that's my take on it anyway.

It's interesting how we all deal with things differently.
(08-09-2011, 09:14)CurvaceousKate Wrote:
(08-09-2011, 09:06)curvy crumpet Wrote: For me there has to be boundaries as some gentlemen might take the proverbial "piss". I am a service provider in a business even though once the business is out of the way we can get down to the fun. We are here to provide you with that feel good factor during the period you request our time for.

But in saying that I am on "friendly" terms with clients especially my regular gents and for overnights or dinner dates I do provide them with a "special" rate.

The problem is that when a client becomes a friend you have to draw a line, either they are a friend or a paying client. In my private life I would not in a million years consider shagging a friend and the same would go for a client who turns out to be a friend, you can not have it both ways. Either you want to be my friend or my client.

Clients can play very dangerous games and sometimes it can cause a lot of animosity between girls who do not even know each other just because of the say so from a client who might not have gotten his own way.

Hence why I have boundaries and will never cross them.

Hello curvy crumpet and welcome to the forum.

I do agree with you that you do have to be careful etc, but I don't agree with the fact that you can't have sex with a friend. My best friend has also been my FB. He's a wonderful person and our friendship is very secure, which is why we are able to dabble now and again, although I haven't done for some time due to the fact that I'm now doing it for a living and I've not wanted to, but it's certainly not because he is my friend.

I also have some very dear friends that I still meet for bookings. I feel lucky that we have established a clear differentiation between the friendship and the booking and it doesn't seem to make it complicated at all. I think it gets complicated when it is the chemistry that is stronger than the friendship.

Of course you don't have sex with all your mainstream friends, but that is because you have likely known them a long time and throughout your life and it wouldn't be very discreet and likely you would be treading on the toes of other friends. You don't get to your 30s without your friends forming relationships with other people and there does have to be respect there, but this is a whole different ball game, as you met through the sex industry. Well, that's my take on it anyway.

It's interesting how we all deal with things differently.

Apologies my fingers tend to run off before my thinking is completed.

Yes, my regular clients are considered to be special friends. As in we are friends but when it comes to sex unfortunately they do pay.

I think it becomes dangerous when feelings become involved especially when a client is married as at the end of the day once he has had his enjoyment which is a very physical need for a man and some women he goes back home to wifey and the fabulous life they have together. Which ultimately could leave you feeling lonely and empty as they are not prepared to share their spare time with you.

If you ever fall for a client and he wants to see you on his terms when it suits him, ie dinner and sex for free. Don't you think he is getting his cake and eating it?
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(08-09-2011, 15:10)curvy crumpet Wrote:
(08-09-2011, 09:14)CurvaceousKate Wrote:
(08-09-2011, 09:06)curvy crumpet Wrote: For me there has to be boundaries as some gentlemen might take the proverbial "piss". I am a service provider in a business even though once the business is out of the way we can get down to the fun. We are here to provide you with that feel good factor during the period you request our time for.

But in saying that I am on "friendly" terms with clients especially my regular gents and for overnights or dinner dates I do provide them with a "special" rate.

The problem is that when a client becomes a friend you have to draw a line, either they are a friend or a paying client. In my private life I would not in a million years consider shagging a friend and the same would go for a client who turns out to be a friend, you can not have it both ways. Either you want to be my friend or my client.

Clients can play very dangerous games and sometimes it can cause a lot of animosity between girls who do not even know each other just because of the say so from a client who might not have gotten his own way.

Hence why I have boundaries and will never cross them.

Hello curvy crumpet and welcome to the forum.

I do agree with you that you do have to be careful etc, but I don't agree with the fact that you can't have sex with a friend. My best friend has also been my FB. He's a wonderful person and our friendship is very secure, which is why we are able to dabble now and again, although I haven't done for some time due to the fact that I'm now doing it for a living and I've not wanted to, but it's certainly not because he is my friend.

I also have some very dear friends that I still meet for bookings. I feel lucky that we have established a clear differentiation between the friendship and the booking and it doesn't seem to make it complicated at all. I think it gets complicated when it is the chemistry that is stronger than the friendship.

Of course you don't have sex with all your mainstream friends, but that is because you have likely known them a long time and throughout your life and it wouldn't be very discreet and likely you would be treading on the toes of other friends. You don't get to your 30s without your friends forming relationships with other people and there does have to be respect there, but this is a whole different ball game, as you met through the sex industry. Well, that's my take on it anyway.

It's interesting how we all deal with things differently.

Apologies my fingers tend to run off before my thinking is completed.

Yes, my regular clients are considered to be special friends. As in we are friends but when it comes to sex unfortunately they do pay.

I think it becomes dangerous when feelings become involved especially when a client is married as at the end of the day once he has had his enjoyment which is a very physical need for a man and some women he goes back home to wifey and the fabulous life they have together. Which ultimately could leave you feeling lonely and empty as they are not prepared to share their spare time with you.

If you ever fall for a client and he wants to see you on his terms when it suits him, ie dinner and sex for free. Don't you think he is getting his cake and eating it?

Now that is a boundary I am very firm about. I never get emotionally attached to married people. My brain won't allow it and I would consider not seeing a man I new I had a lot of chemistry with if it was mental as well as physical, if I new he was married. It's not worth the hassle and I know it might be hard to believe for some, but I do respect that the married men have wives that don't deserve to have you ruin their lives. That's for them to do between them.

I have met clients that started off as friendly banter and chat on forums though, where the idea of a booking was not in either of our minds to start with, but we have come to realise there is a spark and we would enjoy each others company and probably the sex too. This has worked well for me, as the men tend to be more attentive and I suppose unwittingly so am I. It's nice and yes I have been out for meals and once a gig, in my time , but the intimate times are always paid for.
I don't very often see the same escort more than three or four times. Though it would most likely be to my advantage as we would get to know what each other like more and so would make a more pleasing experience. I don't really want to start up personal friendships as I like to keep things simple.
(09-09-2011, 12:34)darkstranger Wrote: I don't very often see the same escort more than three or four times. Though it would most likely be to my advantage as we would get to know what each other like more and so would make a more pleasing experience. I don't really want to start up personal friendships as I like to keep things simple.

Simple is good ds stops any confusion

I had a chap visit me today who I nearly never met due to him getting lost at the wrong junction off the M5 lol. I was almost at my wits end and nearly told him to go home, but something in me took a deep breath and managed to work out what the problem was and guide him to me. I'm so glad I did as he was lovely and I really enjoyed spending time with him. He is married with 2 kids and missing cuddles and kisses. My brain was thinking, ' Ah bugger, you can't like him too!!! ' but I did, he was lovely lol.

I've gone from fussy old cow to, 'isn't everyone lovely old cow'.

I guess with people like him it is better if they move on after 3 or 4 visits, but it is a shame when the ones that you really enjoy being with disappear.
I seem to fall foul to gentlemen falling for me, I have no idea why.
I am very clearly married, in fact some guys who have tried to step over the invisible line have been previous Lucy and Hubby guys, so clearly know the score as they have met my better half!

When I went solo my problems in this area increased big style.
I used to question myself and think was I misleading guys in some way.
I don't think I do as I always take the money, so in my opinion that should speak volumes.

I think it can be very easy in one way to develop feelings.
I am very much "in like" with plenty of my regulars, we know stuff about each others lives, sharing stuff makes things more personal.
I am "in lust" with plenty of others too.
I save the "in love" for my husband though.

Funny old world isn't it at times.
I thought it would be all about sex sex sex when I first started.
Heck of a lot more to it all than that though.

All good fun.....usually.
Lucy Smile

My website Lucy7

Link to a recent Punternet review
I'm not sure if I should write this, and I don't want to embarrass anyone.
I know you both via forums and correspondence. Lucy for a few years now and you were very supportive after I had a bad punting experience which all but destroyed my confidence.
Kate, I have only got to know well over the past few months and who has been extraordinarily kind and made me re-evaluate a decision I had made, in light of our friendship.

You both care, It may sound trite, but it colours your actions and in everything you do.
This may be why the rational boundary of paid for sex gets blurred for some men.
They consciously or subconsciously pick up on this and are drawn towards you.

A quote from a TV show that has stayed with me.
One character asks his colleague, " What does it for you then? what really gets the juices flowing, and pushes your buttons?"

After a pause, his colleague replies, "Someone who is non-judgemental"

I think I watched that show. Isn't it that American sitcom? I forget what it's called, but it does seem much cleverer than the usual trash the splurge out.

You may be right and in the same way you want the best for the people that come close to you and you can't get much closer than in the bedroom.
even if i did fall in love with a client i would never let him be aware of that, u only have to ask my OH how deep that i keep my feelings to myself & never divulge them, when im in 'lust' with them they sure as hell will know it

i also have while chatting after we have talked about personal stuff as i like them to know what makes me tick as i know & trust what we chat about wont go any further, it has also made the intimacy of the actual bookings we shared feel greater

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