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Boundaries between Escorts and clients
I was wondering what people generally thought about the boundaries between Escorts and Clients and where they should lie.

On a professional level it doesn't matter what job you do, there are relationships formed between customer and the person providing the service. It could be your plumber, mechanic or escort and in my experience building a rapport very often results in a better job done. However, sometimes this can go too far and become too personal, so where are the boundaries? When does it stop being professional and start being personal?

I look forward to your thoughts and experiences on this matter.
As a salesman I have quite a few customers who I am friendly with and would perhaps even class as friends.

Now I don't mean friends that I'd invite round to dinner, but friends who I can chat to, bounce ideas off of, have a laugh with.

We still can be professional when it comes to work matters, and still disagree on many things but because we have gone the extra step from just Rep/Client we can actually work very well together. We are willing to go the extra yard to help each other out when either side needs a hand.

It can work, it just depends on whether your two personalities get along, as I have other customers who I just do the bare minimum because we havent clicked.

I am sure a similar situation can arise with the Escort/Client relationship. As long as the client remembers you wont be best buddies and go round to each others house for drinks and nibbles every weekend I see no reason why you couldnt chat in a friendly way either on email, msn, googlechat etc without it being business like. I for one see my visits to an escort as the business part, and any chat that happens between times is just good banter.

I agree with you Vulcan. I started talking to one client it must be around 18 months ago now and we have only met twice as client/Escort and met once socially as he new I liked bands and invited me to join him and a friend to see a local band in Cheltenham. It was great and he paid for my hotel and ticket (that I stayed in alone). We have a good friendship and now and again he books me.

However, sometimes guys get blurred by it and start talking about meeting sexually because they start to think you have moved to another level that does not include paying and that can be tricky, as you don't want to offend them or make it out like you only chatted to get their money, but it is a client/escort relationship and it is them that have forgotten the bounaries and not you.
Totally agree with you Vulcan. Couldn't have put it better myself. Dont know if I would go as far as 'chatting on MSN' but allinall I agree.

When a guy is leaving my apartment, if I have found him 'ok', then I will say, 'well you know where to find me if you want to return honey' but if we have just not clicked then I will simply say something like 'have a nice weekend/night and drive carefully'.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Its always difficult to get the boundries right as many see having sex as a relationship, where as what we all do is the business of fun.

A bit like going to Alton Towers. Me the Client pays Alton Towers (the escort) for a good fun time. We both get something from it. I get the fun of the company of one of you lovely ladies, and you get the fun of enjoying our enjoyment, and the payment.

Over time you can get to know someone pretty well, but as far as I see it, it must always be the client who remembers what this is all about.

If the escort decides to take the step from Client/Escort relationship to a standard relationship then thats up to them.

I have chatted to one of you ladies many times, and I am not looking for any sexual gratification from these chats. I am just being friendly. Surely a bit of friendly banter via a messaging service can make things run more smoothly when you do meet up for some fun.

Thats just my views though. Big Grin
i dont see any harm having a non sexual chat away from here
i do find that some people think that once they have paid for your services once, its an open door for them to ask for a mutual sexual friendship without charge,

i dont mind the odd conversation outside of bookin times either


Its very dependent on what you want out of a meeting. Those that are married or who are younger may well be only looking for the sexual thrill. Being older and single, the social aspect is as important to me. Respect and honesty towards the individual are the keys, as in any meaningful relationship in or outside the job.
I have had a couple who have chatted on msn, and I can see what they are after and after a week or so the conversation fizzles out because they realise they won't get anything further.
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(05-09-2011, 13:14)lolo Wrote: i dont see any harm having a non sexual chat away from here

I would agree with you Lolo - we have chatted on MSN before now and I would class you as one of my friends but I certainly would never take liberties knowingly. I view our meet as a professional one and thats how it should be.

Chatting about things in general is how we get to know people but it doesnt have to be at the expense of a 'professioanl relationship'. Mind you, there are times when relationships can develop out of such situations but thats another story.

At all times, we should respect each others boundaries and avoid overstepping the mark where possible.

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