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are u positive or negative
It was a bit daft Ann,
You are right the clothes to match various wall designs was a bit of a joke.
Its more when you say something or try to and there is always someone louder who will not let you get a word in. I am probably not forcefull enough when trying to get my opinion across.
Or concerned that it will add nothing of value to the conversation or meeting
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

It depends on my frame of mind. I think generally I am a positive person though.

I have my views on things and others have their views on things and thats fine. If we disagree thats fine as well, I can move on. Life is to short to argue about pointless things.

If I am sure of my facts, I will press my case though.

Being a salesman I am pretty thick skinned and can take knock backs, a bit like water off a ducks back.

Whatever happens isnt really going to be the end of the world (unless of course its 2012 Wink) and if you get dealt a bad hand by life you just have to find the positives from a seemingly bad situation.

Smiles make the world go round......and cause less wrinkles than frowns.
Can i put in a bid for positive but cynical?
I think actually I'm in denial. Rather than be positive or negative I curl up in a ball, stick my fingers in my ears and go 'la la la'.
(25-08-2011, 07:56)Freddo Wrote: It was a bit daft Ann,
You are right the clothes to match various wall designs was a bit of a joke.
Its more when you say something or try to and there is always someone louder who will not let you get a word in. I am probably not forcefull enough when trying to get my opinion across.
Or concerned that it will add nothing of value to the conversation or meeting

the more people that add something to a convo the better so never stop giving your opinion, u might not think it would add value but it can
Freddo, I was at a large meeting once and saying some stuff that would impact a whole programme we were running. No one was listening to me, and I knew that, because if they had been listening there would have been uproar. It was as if they were just waiting for their turn to say something rather than actively participating.
In the end I turned to my boss, who was the only bloke in the room, and said "Could you tell them, as they just aren't listening to me". So he repeated what I'd said, and there was uproar. Result.
I did get a few apologies afterwards.
I've lived with depression for 40+ years so when I start to feel down I always try and turn it around.

A slogan I was once told was - If you're not grateful for what youve got, be grateful for what youve not got - and its so so true.

I may not be the luckiest person in the world but I have got so much to be thankful for. When I'm felling down I think of all the things I'm lucky to have and not the things I dont have. This always makes me feel better.
BTW Lolo, congratulations. You should be well chuffed with yourself for being asked. What a privilege.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Lolo - I have to admit that I can be rather a negative person, but a number of the ladies I have met through AW and Punternet over the years have helped counteract that tendency.
(25-08-2011, 22:19)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: ...If you're not grateful for what youve got, be grateful for what youve not got .....
I'd like that as a tattoo - and it would be my first.
I'm always a glass two-thirds full person and unswervingly positive......except when I have a negative moment! I find negative people and attitudes positively draining.

We all have challenges in our lives, but some choose to cope with them better than others. A positive outlook has helped me overcome adversities. Just as well as I was then told I was "lucky"! Really? Lucky I didn't listen to the those who said the possible was impossible.

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