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dangerous escorts
has anyone ever encountered any
did u report
or were u to scared to

couple of guys at the beginning had told me how they had been attacked by this woman how she changed her profile name everyday, but out of pure fear of their wives finding out they wouldnt go to the police even though they were robbed

(08-05-2011, 01:04)lolo Wrote: has anyone ever encountered any
did u report
or were u to scared to

I have been very lucky in that everyone I have met has been polite and charming, maybe that's because I did lots of reading of profiles and feedback first.

(08-05-2011, 01:07)MrSmith767 Wrote:
(08-05-2011, 01:04)lolo Wrote: has anyone ever encountered any
did u report
or were u to scared to

I have been very lucky in that everyone I have met has been polite and charming, maybe that's because I did lots of reading of profiles and feedback first.

the women im talking had good feedback etc...
Then i have just been lucky

(08-05-2011, 01:09)MrSmith767 Wrote: Then i have just been lucky

yep but its only a couple out of thousands
Nothing here either, touch wood.

(08-05-2011, 01:04)lolo Wrote: has anyone ever encountered any
did u report
or were u to scared to

couple of guys at the beginning had told me how they had been attacked by this woman how she changed her profile name everyday, but out of pure fear of their wives finding out they wouldnt go to the police even though they were robbed

Have you a link Lolo the guys might kind it useful maybe we could have a warnings section not just for timewasters but actual dangerous clients/wg we all have to watch out for each other and stay safe admin what do you think

not anymore emily, she disappeared totally, so have the trio of young girls
I have been verbally threatened twice. Really unpleasant & removes all of the pleasure from the hobby, as well as destroyed my confidence for a good while
very sorry to hear that Mark I don't know what they get out of it

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