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are u positive or negative
thats not irritating DS but good to see as that many people walk around now as if its the end of the world
Its that domino effect if you smile at people they are more likely to smile back or even better compliment a stranger, though if you are rude to people it just puts everyone in a mood Big Grin
I am a very postive sort of person in all areas of life.
At real work, this naughty work, and with friends and family I always look on the bright side rather than focus in on negative things.

Sometimes this can be hard as things are not always within our control and you can end up through no fault of your own caught up with negativity.

I have a family situation going on now with my daughter who is moving to another country very soon.
We are all very supportive and see the good things in why she wants to go with the man in her life, unfortunatley her fellas family are not being like we are, so it is all spilling over and upsetting us all now.
I am trying to stay positive during all the upset, but it is darn hard at times.

Now then where is that half full glass of wine got too? Smile
Lucy Smile

My website Lucy7

Link to a recent Punternet review
I have realised I am more negative than positive I find it really hard to describe why but little things of minor importance seem to get me down
and I am always afraid of upsetting people incase they ignore me so very rarely say something out of context
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

It is always nice to see someone smile - problem is that if I smile, everyone who sees me asks what the hell is up with me!!!

I'm not grumpy really!
Freddo, it maybe that people don't have anything to add to what you've said, or don't want to get into a discussion about it, or maybe want to think about what you've said before responding. I don't think people ignore others deliberately, and if they do, there is normally a reason ie. they didn't see/hear you or they are being bloody minded and following their own agenda!
I do laugh and smile a lot - for apparently no reason. Once a guy kept asking why I was laughing in bed, and was I laughing at him. I wasn't, I was just laughing cos I was having a good time. Paranoia can make people look at the world in such a weird way!
(24-08-2011, 09:00)monty69 Wrote: It is always nice to see someone smile - problem is that if I smile, everyone who sees me asks what the hell is up with me!!!

I'm not grumpy really!

I have that problem to Monty

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(24-08-2011, 14:18)SassyAnn Wrote: Freddo, it maybe that people don't have anything to add to what you've said, or don't want to get into a discussion about it, or maybe want to think about what you've said before responding. I don't think people ignore others deliberately, and if they do, there is normally a reason ie. they didn't see/hear you or they are being bloody minded and following their own agenda!
I do laugh and smile a lot - for apparently no reason. Once a guy kept asking why I was laughing in bed, and was I laughing at him. I wasn't, I was just laughing cos I was having a good time. Paranoia can make people look at the world in such a weird way!

I see where you are coming from Ann. Thank you for pointing that out to me.
Sometimes it just makes you feel invisable and other times you just shrink away from all aspects of conversation and become a wallflower. I even have clothes that match various wall designs so I can blend in.
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

That's just daft, eh?!
Ann is quite right Freddo - experiment a bit, it never does any harm.
To be honest i constantly say things out of context or which are deliberately obtuse. Some people may not like it but most just think you are a bigger character than maybe you feel you are yourself.

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