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Strange reaction to our hobby
I don't know if its just me, but since I have started this new hobby we all delight it, I have started to think more again about the way I look.

Dont get me wrong I have never been a scruffy or smelly person, far from it in fact. But since I have started I feel like I want to lose a bit of weight and make more of an effort. It really is like dating again, but without the aggro.

Just have to be careful in case the OH suspects I am a) having an affair or b) turning gay.

Anyone else found this?
Yes, have noticed i am trying to wear more sexy stuff at night time. and i keep checking that my OH is fine with it all, as he is my soul mate.
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met quite a few guys that are doing the same, a few of them have even started using hand creams & moisturisers
(23-08-2011, 20:38)Vulcan1 Wrote: I don't know if its just me, but since I have started this new hobby we all delight it, I have started to think more again about the way I look.

From Joe Public's point of view all punters are perverts and weirdos that shuffle along the street in a full length Mac looking for grubby sordid sex. Ok so it's half true... Without the Mac, maybe?

The above description actually fits a person I used to know.

Friends of ours used to own an estate agents, which had a brothel above it, they entered via the back steps and could be seen clearly from the office. At the time there was a big campaign against working girls and the stereo type male above who would use the services.

Our friends, who had a very liberal attitude, but did not know what I did in my spare time, used to comment on how well turned out the guys, who came and went up their back staircase, where. Mostly business men in suits etc.

From your OH point of view, she may suspect but not say anything, yet! Be careful and don't get caught

I do make an attempt in fact a big attempt when going to see a wg to make sure everything is just so
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

Well in the last few months my whole appearance has been changing due to my diet. I will actually be quite trim when I get to my ideal weight. If you are concerned about your OH being suspicious, why dont you just come out with - about time I lost some weight, will you help me do so? She will be keen to help I am sure and, quite naturally, you will want to change a few other things as well when the weight starts to come off. Hopefully a perfect cover story and everyone could be a winner including your OH!
I think it is nice that you want to sort of present yourself well for us naughty ladies, and feel you want to lose a bit of weight as well.

Lucy Smile
My website Lucy7

Link to a recent Punternet review
Looking nice, smelling nice, getting in shape, shaving your balls. Make it a point that it is for her. "Hey lover, look I shaved my balls, they're all shiny and smooth!".
That stuff is easy.
The hard stuff is trying to explain the monthly/bi-monthly bruise on the inside of your forearm from the blood test at the VD Clinic.
I have already started that one Monty. I am not very big anyway. I am 6'2" and currently weigh 14st 8lb so not massive, just a bit flabby in the wrong places, lol.

A few months ago I was pushing 16st, so have done well in a few months, mainly through stopping drinking.

As for shaving my balls, I could paint them all the colours of the rainbow, get my old chap peirced, and vajazzle type stars all over, and the OH wouldnt notice.

well if u started a few months ago u have done really well so far vulcan

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