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I did think you might be, return to work so not quite the same buzz. What time are you expecting to see
the consultant. I'll make sure I can find a quite place and send you positive thoughts.
Whats up with the board? v.slow to react and load.
oh thank god its not just me i thought my net was playing up

to go at 8am & wait happy my netbook with me anyway for in between tests
Excellent, I won't be able to access the forum till I get home for obvious reasons.
I'll pop in the chapel, its a calming space.
thats true forgot u would be at work, do u feel as if u have had sometime off
Not really, It did annoy me getting those emails, pulls your head back into work mode.
Plus, as you know my other 'work ' continues at home, so a little more relaxed I suppose.
glad u are bit relaxed, its a bit like a merry go round without any stops
lol, Very true. As soon as it starts to get too much I may ask to go part time or take early retirement.
how many hours do u do at the moment
Full time 37 1/2hrs. but with the early start and working straight through without lunch
it doesn't seem like it.
u dont take time out for lunch, that is going to catch up with u

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