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attraction in everyday life
(18-08-2011, 17:32)lolo Wrote: oi mark u behave & tell us what u like

I gave this some thought (believe it or not) and can only come up with "women" I'm just a shallow old tart really!
Boots, legs, jeans, skirts, shorts, bare tummies, crop tops, "see through" dresses when the sun is right, those negligees that pass for clubwear (and coats) in some cities, hair.... hats... yep, pretty much women!

Well theres several things that can catch my eye.

For example a couple of weeks ago we were at Brands Hatch for the BSB racing and I sighed a bit to loudly at the girl in the Suzuki dress. She was tall and perfectly formed (Great legs, nice ass and superb rack) and I got a nudge....the OH laughed about the fact I had sighed out loud though.

Catch a glimpse of cleavage, and maybe a bit of ass cleavage from a short skirt on some stairs normally keep me smiling. Probably Big Grin
Nice eyes, nice smile, nice body, I do like strong arms too.
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(18-08-2011, 12:58)davidseven Wrote: I think most men notice a pert bottom in tight jeans or a glimpse of some unexpected cleavage. Perfume too. I might pass in the aisle of Sainsburys (other supermarkets are available) and I have to look round.

Sometimes and its very rare. I see someone with a natural poise and grace of movement. Its difficult to define, but I become instantly captivated.

Without being too deflamatory to our sex David let's face it with plenty of guys a pulse is sufficient - and for some not even that is necessary.
as i like both sexes

im drawn to a female if she is wearing a ankle length floaty dress that skim her curves, another is seeing the gentle bounce of boobs

guys usually the tall ones will catch my eye too especially f they have tight jeans on
As a womans legs are my fave, i always stop or slow down to admire women dressed in mini skirts/dreses, especially if shes wearing tights or more so if her stocking bands are hidden.
Then it has to be large cleavage, then a pert/curvy tight bum.
Followed by nice eyes, smile.

A woman like that can always have my babies!
I like eyes and a pretty face first then a nice pair of boobs and a cute bum will do it for me everytime
but I am always on the look out for a nice bum
mind you in saying that it can be any number of factors that make me think wow
in my everyday life it can be about attitude a nice smile and a peek at some forbidden bits will have me captivated
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

long hair or goatee haha blonde to be specific but ive been known to stray haha


Perfection for me is a dinky, slim with real ginger hair.

A close second is black hair and pale skin. We have a Pakistani girl at work who is rather pale skinned and I would drink her bathwater.
As well as what I put above, tall and voluptuous ladies catch my eye, particularly those with wild blonde hair!

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