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are u positive or negative
in my mind im a really positive person, there was once where i nearly lost it, too many major health things all going wrong but was reminded of a few of my own thoughts

i always look at anything that happens in my life as a challenge, rather than a brick wall that i cant see past, i find that it makes me stronger & i dont dwell in self pity

im also one of those people who would love to win millions on the lotto but know it will never happen, so find my own ways of making money i know i'll never be rich but as long as im comfortable im happy

now i have a sister who has to be the most negative person ever, i try to boost her as much as possible but u can actually feel the negativity vibes coming off her, to her there is never a solution for anything the world is always against her

this post has came about as i have had a call from my consultant asking if i would do some paid work for 3-4 hours a week, talking to patients who have low morale & who dont see & end to things when there are only very minor things wrong with them, asking if i can use my positivity to help others, i actually feel quite chuffed

my question for u all is are u a positive or negative person & if u are around someone who is the opposite how do u feel when u are with them
Its a funny thing this positive / negative attitude. I have had a whole load of shit thrown at me over the years but I seem to come out the other side ok. I do believe my glass is half full, not half empty. However, I can be very cautious when it comes to money matters. I have been accused many times as being negative, yet I would call it careful.
I think of myself as a positive person but, if honest sometimes negativity does creep in. Does being depressed count as being negative?? If not, then I really am a positive person. If it does, then I can be either!
I thrive when I am in a corner with the walls caving in - I fight my way out and can achieve great things. I only struggle when it all is going well - the pressure comes off then and I can flounder although not as much as I used to.
I look at the ladies here, and confidence apart, I cant imagine a more positive group of like minded ladies. I think you have to be of a positive mind doing the jobs you do, otherwise it just wouldnt work.
So, yes I am a positive fellow but not in the same league as you ladies.
I like to think that when dealing with a negative situation or someone who is being very negative I can draw out the positives but each situation is different. Dont think I am in the same league as Lolo though Big Grin
That's really great Lolo.

I'm pretty negative although I am getting betteer I hope. My theory was if you thought the worst then things could get better. My parents a quite negative too which didn't help things. I also have a lot of self doubt and it's taken a lot to be honest about my abilities actually being good in various areas.
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Can I be in the middle?!

I expect the worse to happen but know whatever it is I'll get through it some how, I always do ha ha Big Grin
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I'm positive I'm negative
I am a practical person, so tend to look for solutions rather than dwell on a cause.
If I ever feel like the black dog is upon me, I'll change my environment, go for a walk or lose my self in a book until I'm fit for polite society again.
(18-08-2011, 21:36)iluvjem Wrote: Can I be in the middle?!

I expect the worse to happen but know whatever it is I'll get through it some how, I always do ha ha Big Grin

even if my sis had that mindframe it would be better, its always doomsday with her
Very positive here, yes things go wrong and we have had problems both financial and personal.

I woke up this morning, it was a great start to the day...

I am positive in a negative sort of way

I am positive when helping someone and talking to people about themselves but very negative about my own abilities if I had any.

I think thats a real tribute Lolo that your consultant thinks so highly of you
You really are a lovely lady xxxxx
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I'm positive, I have an outlook on life that there will always be someone in life worse off than myself. I'm one of those irritating people that smile all of the time

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