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tax & NI for self employed
I'm confused?
got asked to put a link up kate, if there is a legal forum set up i'll ask for it to be moved in there
Ah ok, yeah it was where it was put with no explanation that confuzzled me. It's worth having up though.
(07-05-2011, 19:17)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I'm confused?

no need to be confused stick to cash and no problems
I am actually going to be declaring my earnngs, as I want to improve my credit rating. I wish it wasn't so much though. I'm glad they have moved the amount you can earn before tax up though, as it all helps.
(07-05-2011, 21:19)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I am actually going to be declaring my earnngs, as I want to improve my credit rating. I wish it wasn't so much though. I'm glad they have moved the amount you can earn before tax up though, as it all helps.

Only declare the earnings before the threshold

How exactly is that going to increase my credit rating? I would still be on the poverty line. I've done that enough for realy thanks. I'd rather declare earnings of £30 grand and pay income tax on the £23 grand (or how ever much it is) than just admit to £7 grand, unless that is really all I have earned.

Having said that, I am keeping account of all my costs and having paid for my apartment 6 months in advance (due to having a bad credit rating) I can offset that against my earnings and of course all the furnishings, as it is a place of business.
(07-05-2011, 21:57)CurvaceousKate Wrote: How exactly is that going to increase my credit rating? I would still be on the poverty line. I've done that enough for realy thanks. I'd rather declare earnings of £30 grand and pay income tax on the £23 grand (or how ever much it is) than just admit to £7 grand, unless that is really all I have earned.

Having said that, I am keeping account of all my costs and having paid for my apartment 6 months in advance (due to having a bad credit rating) I can offset that against my earnings and of course all the furnishings, as it is a place of business.
Sorry, I thought you were talking about the next tax threshold Blush

i just put my earnings together from the various things then pay 40% from it

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