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being made to feel ashamed
But Freddo, if you look at what you actually said ".....that would make someone feel pretty worthless." it's quite a categorical statement. Especially since he'd already made her feel bad about it.

I didn't think negatively of you, just of that statement. That's the trouble with playing devil's advocate!

You don't need to apologise to me, Freddo - we're only discussing a situation.
If you'd hurt Lolo's feelings or antagonised me, I would have come and done something drastic - like turn you into a toad rather than a frog. xxx

I went back and read it Ann' I was trying to look at it as if I had phoned Lolo up out of the blue and did not know anything about her other than a quick 30 second read of her profile which is probably what most punters do.

It made a lot more sense once Lolo said why she wanted a longer booking
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

to be honest it's all your decision. If you offered alternatives then there's not much else you could have done. I've had similar because i've said I won't travel to the other side of York for a fifteen minute meet. I feel bad about it but i'm never going to please everyone.
(13-08-2011, 11:26)sophie-york Wrote: to be honest it's all your decision. If you offered alternatives then there's not much else you could have done. I've had similar because i've said I won't travel to the other side of York for a fifteen minute meet. I feel bad about it but i'm never going to please everyone.

Thats a joke isn't it I would not expect any one to come to me for less than a hour
I suppose you could have charged him travel time and the fact you had to get ready

But I know its not a joke some punters expect you to move heaven and earth

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(11-08-2011, 01:01)Emily of Halifax Wrote:
(10-08-2011, 23:23)Pho3nix Wrote: Sounds like he was throwing a tantrum hun as he could get his own way!!

I have had similar things happen hun, I had one client that wouldnt leave at all as he had not cum!! he kept on putting off cumming by pulling away and saying that i needed to slow down!! he had booked half an hour, I dont clock watch but knew his time was up! I explained that if he wanted longer then he would need to pay for the hour, and he didnt want to do that as he didnt have anymore money on him! when I asked him to leave he became quite agressive! So i went in the bathroom and locked the door.
At the time I was through an agency, so phoned them and they told me to try and get rid of him!
I phoned my hubby, yes he knows what i do lol, to come back home, I also had my dog in the house with me.
I so then decided enough was enough and the red head came out in me, I told him to get the f**k out of my house otherwise my dog would have him I also said my hubby was on his way back!! He quite promptly decided to leave!

Some blokes can be a real pain, and they try the guilt trip, but you were right to say no! xx

Pho3nix there is no better deterrrent than loud threatening barking dogs and the thought of a husband coming home might sound silly but as soon as a guy walks through my door within minutes i apologise for any barking that might happen if they ware genuine they understand and accept it and if they are not genuine they would not last long thankfully that has not happened so far everyone has left with there tackle in place

Going off subject for a moment - I would have problems coming to you Emily as on arrival the dogs would cause a distraction - am a sucker for a German Shepherd / Alsation and, subject to being allowed to by the dogs, they would both get a big hug or two Big Grin

I am sure though you would soon remind me of the business in hand Big Grin Wink

(13-08-2011, 19:50)Freddo Wrote:
(13-08-2011, 11:26)sophie-york Wrote: to be honest it's all your decision. If you offered alternatives then there's not much else you could have done. I've had similar because i've said I won't travel to the other side of York for a fifteen minute meet. I feel bad about it but i'm never going to please everyone.

Thats a joke isn't it I would not expect any one to come to me for less than a hour
I suppose you could have charged him travel time and the fact you had to get ready

But I know its not a joke some punters expect you to move heaven and earth

No joke- get it all the time. I get accused or threatened with 'well i'm a potential client and you're saying you don't want my business'

Yes, regrettably there are some people who truly think you are there only for their needs and can't possibly have anything else to do
Going out on a limb here, whilst I don't agree with clients using emotional blackmail, I might have to own up to having done that once before..... I will throw myself on your mercy with the details...

I made a booking with a lady once, and having driven for a an hour to get there on time I called her to say I was at the pre-determined location, and was ready when she was.

At this point she said she was double booked, and would I come back the next day!!

I told her that I only had that day off (which was true) and that I had already travelled an hour to get there (again true) when I told her this she decided to let me have my booking.

Was that wrong of me?

(15-08-2011, 00:06)MrSmith767 Wrote: Going out on a limb here, whilst I don't agree with clients using emotional blackmail, I might have to own up to having done that once before..... I will throw myself on your mercy with the details...

I made a booking with a lady once, and having driven for a an hour to get there on time I called her to say I was at the pre-determined location, and was ready when she was.

At this point she said she was double booked, and would I come back the next day!!

I told her that I only had that day off (which was true) and that I had already travelled an hour to get there (again true) when I told her this she decided to let me have my booking.

Was that wrong of me?

In my eyes it was a conversation you should not have been having in the first place. I understand why you went ahead with it, but I certainly wouldn't go back, if I was a fella.
(15-08-2011, 00:06)MrSmith767 Wrote: Going out on a limb here, whilst I don't agree with clients using emotional blackmail, I might have to own up to having done that once before..... I will throw myself on your mercy with the details...

I made a booking with a lady once, and having driven for a an hour to get there on time I called her to say I was at the pre-determined location, and was ready when she was.

At this point she said she was double booked, and would I come back the next day!!

I told her that I only had that day off (which was true) and that I had already travelled an hour to get there (again true) when I told her this she decided to let me have my booking.

Was that wrong of me?

You only stated the facts mate. She still could have said no. This has happened to me on more than one occasion but I just drove off without so much as a wimper.

I do not think it was wrong of you as you have to work as well and we do not all have the freedom in our jobs to come and go as we please.

I do agree with Kate, knowing she was double booked and did not really want to see me I would not have gone through with the booking

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

So she wasn't really double-booked then. Or did she kick the other fella out?
Either way, she should have contacted you rather than waiting for you to contact her.

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