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being made to feel ashamed
i feel terrible & i dont know why

after the prick who knocked on all the doors trying to find where i was i am now quite cautious about bringing a load of guys in on the same day

as i have already met a few people today, when this booking came in i said no as it was for half a hour i wasnt wanting to attract attention so offered him alternatives times & days & explained why, also added if it were a longer booking fine as the coming & going wouldnt be so obvious

his reply was that i made him feel ashamed that he couldnt afford longer, i have tried to explain its nothing like that & that half an hour later on in the evening or tomorrow would be fine but i cant get him to see it from my point of view

guys have u ever felt like this

girls do u get the same
Sounds like emotional blackmail to me lolo. Its your body, your right. You offered alternatives, if he cant accept that with good grace then he's probably someone you wouldn't want to see in any case.
Does sound like he is being unreasonable. Clearly he might well be disappointed that he couldnt see you now but I also think he is trying the emotional blackmail too.

I have been turned down before now - the usual issue is either not working today, or I have seenn enough guys today, or you arent my type. I might have been pissed off if I was looking for romance; I wasnt so I accepted it and moved on.

I wouldnt be inclined to beat yourself up Lolo, you would be much better employed having a nice drink of Orange lucozade and have a bit of chocolate and put your feet up (if you have time that is)
thank u both, i'll see if he does contact me another time
I think a lot of guys are under the impression that they are the only one and cant comprehend that you will other appointments that day as well and discretion is of the utmost importance.

Definately trying to pull on your heart strings
Rather than him blaming you for feeling ashamed, he should be thanking you for your discretion. You do it for their sakes as much as your own!

Is it a tad harsh to call him a scumbag? He's now making you feel bad and doubting yourself, when all you are doing is being professional and protecting yourself and your clients. Oooo, I'm mad now. Telling you how to run your business. Like that idiot who wanted me to meet him at 11.30pm after a 3 hour booking!

You definitely know after a conversation like that, that any chance of a spark for a great meeting is well and truly extinguished.
Never felt like that, if an escort dont want my business i just calls another girl - if im desperate, if not then i just wait till another time.
I know some working girls will say they only do one hour bookings in the evening, so perhaps he thought you were trying the emotional blackmail bit too. Personally, I dont think you did wrong. I have done exactly the same when I've seen enough for the day but I've not told them the reason why, I simply told them I had finished for the day.

I'm lucky that the flat I work from now is very discreet and I can get away with seeing 10 or so a day (if i had the energy for them - ROFL) but personally I wouldnt be able to work the next day if I did that many in the one day - i'd be shattered - and dont ask me how i found out.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
lolo I only do 2 hour bookings during evenings and weekends, so forget it. If he feels ashamed, it is his problem and he needs to deal with it. It's not your fault that he interprets it as not having enough money. For all you know he might not have had enough time for longer, so he is assuming it is about the money.
(10-08-2011, 15:55)lolo Wrote: i feel terrible & i dont know why

after the prick who knocked on all the doors trying to find where i was i am now quite cautious about bringing a load of guys in on the same day

as i have already met a few people today, when this booking came in i said no as it was for half a hour i wasnt wanting to attract attention so offered him alternatives times & days & explained why, also added if it were a longer booking fine as the coming & going wouldnt be so obvious

his reply was that i made him feel ashamed that he couldnt afford longer, i have tried to explain its nothing like that & that half an hour later on in the evening or tomorrow would be fine but i cant get him to see it from my point of view

guys have u ever felt like this

girls do u get the same

To be very honest Lolo it would depend on what you actually said.
If you just told him you was finished for the day and offered him different times and days that was okay and he should have been fine with that

maybe you should not have said if it was a longer booking it would be okay
as that would make someone feel pretty worthless or you was waiting for a better offer to come along

Did he know about your earlier visitor who was about as discreet as a bull in a china shop

I have felt a bit strange but you can usually tell if a lady is waiting for a better offer to come along the funny thing is sometimes they phone you back and say I am available now

I think most punters know they are not your only visitors and will understand if you have problems

Sorry I could not totally agree with you this time Lolo

But it is your decision you decide who to see and who not to
he can try all he likes but no is no

I still think you are a nice lady Lolo xxxxxxxxx
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