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how small the uk is
forget how small it is to u get recognition

guy i have chatted to every week on my sexline for the past 10 yrs so know his voice straightaway as its very distinct

call tonight asking as i have 4hrs to pass at victoria bus station if he can buy me breakfast, as soon as i heard the voice i recognised my caller, i debated whether to let him hear me, then thought fuck it

then it was why do u have such n such a name on the chatline & a different name here, oh dear

anyone else recognised a voice
yes the twat who booked me earlier, then denied it after being caught out as a TW.
Lolo, was he annoyed to find out it was you? I would have been really pleased to finally have an opportunity to meet you after 10 years of speaking! I do hope it was the latter.
wasnt annoyed i dont think though it will make the next chatline call interesting
I do have a distinctive, and it appears, memorable voice. I'm always surprised when I ring up somewhere weeks later and the voice on the other end says "Is that David?"
Bang goes my anonymity! lol
Unless they have your number saved David! I'm sure you sound very distinguished and exceedingly memorable - for all the right reasons.
(10-08-2011, 01:00)lolo Wrote: wasnt annoyed i dont think though it will make the next chatline call interesting
Forgot to ask.... is he taking you to breakfast?!
Well I would think the same Ann, but its the inflection when they ask the question, as though they aren't 100% sure.
I very rarely get recognised on the phone, But there again I am not very good on the phone tend to keep calls to as little time as I can

Tend to forget to ask any questions I have
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(10-08-2011, 02:55)SassyAnn Wrote: Forgot to ask.... is he taking you to breakfast?!

yes he is going to meet me for breakfast at the bus station
Many years ago when I worked on the chatlines I got a call and immediately recognised the callers voice as one of my friends estranged husband. Of course he didnt know it was me but I really felt very awkward.

Going onto saving numbers and names ....... I NEVER ask 'is that XXX?' I will listen to what they have to say and give out information asked for and only then will I ask their name ........ just to see if they give the same name.

Now I dont care if guys dont give their own name but would prefer if they stuck to the same name for if they dont it makes me very suspicious that they are timewasters or TWATS as I call them (Time Wasting Arrogant Tossers).

Many girls - if not all - will have had a twat call and make a booking for 'x' time and 'x' name only to call up on the same number to make anothe booking for 'y' time and with 'y' name a short time later. They only make themselves look silly as all the working girls that I know keep a good listing of callers, names and numbers.

Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.

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