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(08-08-2011, 07:55)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: awww thanks you guys,....i did go through a bad break up with my ex-fiance,...left me in very bad place and it was a lot to go through, i needed counciling, i didnt have any confidence at all, i was a shell of a tinkerbell lol

but a lot has changed thanks to doing this obviously its given me the boost i needed and it was doing my very first client i felt that, it was remarkable......

its not really my opinin kate its just what im always told haha could be blowing smoke up my you know what but hey its nice to hear lol

Its a shame you needed help Tink you have come a long way since then
Now that last sentance would be very interesting to see Tink

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(08-08-2011, 07:55)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: awww thanks you guys,....i did go through a bad break up with my ex-fiance,...left me in very bad place and it was a lot to go through, i needed counciling, i didnt have any confidence at all, i was a shell of a tinkerbell lol

but a lot has changed thanks to doing this obviously its given me the boost i needed and it was doing my very first client i felt that, it was remarkable......

its not really my opinin kate its just what im always told haha could be blowing smoke up my you know what but hey its nice to hear lol

The thing is, you will always get clients that are attracted to you, as they have chosen you. I get called stunning all the time, but I don't believe it, I believe I am their type. I guess I just thought it was a bit full on.

It's not a bad thing though, like I said I really like you and first impressions don't always stick. Plus when doing a job like this, if you can't blow your own trumpet, who can? Just try not to trample on other people when doing it, ie make out that you're better than others you don't know.

Gosh I hope it doesn't sound like I'm giving you a ticking off? It was so long ago now too. Shall we just say that we are all beautiful Big Grin
Everyone is beautiful to someone
even if it is only your mum or dad
Someone somewhere thinks that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread
even if you cannot see it yourself
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

Its always nice to get compliments and we should take them graciously. However Im like a lot of you girls and I find it hard.

It goes without saying that we will get guys who say 'oh you're stunning' and its nice to hear that and to them its true. We are bound to float some guys boats.

On the flip side, guys may take a look at us and say 'oh jesus, she didnt miss many branches when she fell out of the ugly tree' and that is because their taste is females is not me. We cant do anything about this either. If they dont want to go ahead with booking then that is their perogative.

There is also the same story from our side. How many times have we had a handsome guy visit us and if only they knew that we would be happy to fk them without pay. Ive got a thing for nice eyes. If a guys got them I melt.

Then there are the guys that visit and like i said previously, my head screams, 'oh no, ugly tree candidate' .... but we just gotta bite the bullet and get on with it.

Its really a two way street.

Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Work 40 hours for £200-500/week, or work 10 hours for £1k easily clearing £500 profit after all tax/expenses.

Work for a boss monitoring everything you do, or for a client trying to make sure he gives you a good feedback/review.

Work for a customer who you will probably never get gratitude from, or for a client who often gives lots of gratitude.

Health and safety risks is more or less relavent in all/most lines of work.

If i was an escort i know for 200% certainty the only time id retire would be when i get too old lol, then when im sitting in that chair in the old peoples home id be thinking - omg ive had a great sex life. A life that most people frowns upon as degrading...
know where u are coming from before i used to work

120 hr week - 2200, with nothing but hassle & stress
There were lots of hoops to jump through in my old job and I got paid £150 for a days work (£100 after tax, pension fund etc) and I loved it, but there just wasn't enough work. I'd be doing that if there was and having a fantastic sex life because I'm a woman, it's nothing to do with being an Escort.
Thats the thing Kate. Despite that being very good money from your previous/normal job, since the recession and new government the days of earning good money gets less and less in all lines of work unless you have an extremely high qualified required job such as a politician, banker/accountant, management of some huge corporation.

And since the EU laws made it so east EU countries and ex western russian states can now live here and get jobs with ease, those people will and are working for peanuts, doing the jobs that people were doing on the minimum wage, those people have to try find other or better paid jobs so they will work for a less hourly rate. Slowly it trickles through up the "food chain" effecting everyone.

Soon escorts will feel even more of the impact having to drop their prices, then believe escorting isnt worth the money that its time to get a normal job... only to find the jobs just arnt there or the wage is dire. So they stick to escorting.

Just my theory, lol
haha kate i dont let anyone tick me off i wouldnt worry, rolls right off my back lol as you say you have to big yourself up a little bit but i never would EVER intentionally trample on people, in my eyes if i had said,

im brilliant and you are all shit......that would see to me as being an utter wanker lol

i used to work as a makeup artist and i made about £220 a week if i was lucky and i worked like a dog,...i do not miss it at all lol


(08-08-2011, 16:18)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: haha kate i dont let anyone tick me off i wouldnt worry, rolls right off my back lol as you say you have to big yourself up a little bit but i never would EVER intentionally trample on people, in my eyes if i had said,

im brilliant and you are all shit......that would see to me as being an utter wanker lol

i used to work as a makeup artist and i made about £220 a week if i was lucky and i worked like a dog,...i do not miss it at all lol

Being a make up artist much have been a fun job though, just a shame the wages were pathetic.

I loved my old job if I lived anywhere else I'd have likely been earning 32 grand a year doing it by now, if not more. My problem was that I was not prepared to move, as my sons family network was here and his Dad lives out of the Country, so I wanted him to have that family thing going on. I suppose we all make decisions that can lead life changing course and mine has led me here.


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