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yep just me at that time thought I would break into song but only remembered the first 3 words Smile
(04-08-2011, 08:32)monty69 Wrote:
(04-08-2011, 01:08)lolo Wrote: morning has broken

Hope they can fix it quickly or we will all be stuffed. Mind you, you are right. This morning seems to have sprung a leak - call the Plumber Big Grin

Plumber did a good job in the end but he took his time

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

My friend J put the fear of god into me about general anaesthetics on elderly people, and saying she'll slaughter me if E has a turn in the night and I'm asleep. So I've been up all night checking on my mate E, making sure he's breathing normally. Found trying to sleep on his sofa really hot as well. On the bright side, I did see the sunrise over North Shields. I used to live around the other side, so I only ever saw the sunset. So that has been good.
Will no doubt sleep this afternoon, doing my dormouse impersonation.
What op did he have Ann?
It was an investigation into a problem he has, it involved shoving a camera up his bottom. They were going to make him stay two nights, but the night before the procedure was enough for him. The appointment was a cancellation, so he didn't have any notice and therefore was a bit discombobulated.
Oh I had to have that a couple of months ago. It was not nice at all and the prep is the worse bit as you have to be emptied out. Bless him he must have had the full thing too. Mine was just the lower area, so they didn't give me any pain relief or anything. Very uncomfortable, nasty tummy cramps.

Let's hope they manage to sort out the problem then.
tra la la la la
fa la la la lah, la la la la.
de de de la la la la o o o
Rinky dink doh dah

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