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How intriguing Ann, but I guess it will turn out that he either has an over inflated opinion of himself or he has featured in some news item / documentary. I was filmed for a couple of documentaries a few years ago and ended up in one for about 5 seconds - cut me out totally from the other. Guess I wasnt photo-genic enough back then!!
sounds like that nutter i had on cam that cut himself up
Oo, Lolo that's awful.
(31-07-2011, 06:27)monty69 Wrote: How intriguing Ann, but I guess it will turn out that he either has an over inflated opinion of himself or he has featured in some news item / documentary. I was filmed for a couple of documentaries a few years ago and ended up in one for about 5 seconds - cut me out totally from the other. Guess I wasnt photo-genic enough back then!!

Saving you for a big Hollywood blockbuster about farming Monty.
(31-07-2011, 13:16)Hicky Wrote:
(31-07-2011, 06:27)monty69 Wrote: How intriguing Ann, but I guess it will turn out that he either has an over inflated opinion of himself or he has featured in some news item / documentary. I was filmed for a couple of documentaries a few years ago and ended up in one for about 5 seconds - cut me out totally from the other. Guess I wasnt photo-genic enough back then!!

Saving you for a big Hollywood blockbuster about farming Monty.

Something like that Hicky Big Grin

Mind you, would have made a good film this morning for the HSE - on how not to cut up wood! A distinct lack of full safety wear whilst using my chainsaw. Mind you, it would have made a great photo for Ann to droll over my tools Big Grin
Monty, I don't like hacked limbs much. Please wear your safety gear, there's a good lad.
And take a photo. All very well talking a good talk, but we need some evidence!
Kentish Chainsaw Massacre could well be a Hollywood blockbuster!
Occasionally I am up late and online but I always make up for it in the morning.

They say as you get older that you need LESS sleep but thats not the case with me. I can sleep for 10 hours in the night and also have a nap in the afternoon too if its a day im working and my phone goes quiet.

I must be getting your share of sleep Lolo ............... I dont know how you manage, I'd be dead if I didnt get my share of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
oh i dont need it linzi, i awake very refreshed with a couple hours
I have been neglecting my am friends, how are we all?

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