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spit v swallow
(06-05-2011, 21:39)Tom30 Wrote: I drink pipeapple juice! Now swallow that ho! lol

Pineapple juice is nice, or anything sweet or citrus like, as long as it is not sour.
Yea, sour is horrible.
Ive got quite a childs mouth. The majority of what i drink in order and most above others:
strawberry milkshakes - usually protein body builder shakes
can of pepsi max once every day or 3.
blackcurrent juice, sometimes pineapple

and when im out on the town - double vodka with coke, not really bothered about even that but need something to make me merry.

I dont drink anything else, literally. Saying that, i have the odd bottle of pear cider on the odd occasion. I cant stand beer, i can drink lager but no thanks.
(06-05-2011, 21:53)Tom30 Wrote: Yea, sour is horrible.
Ive got quite a childs mouth. The majority of what i drink in order or most above others:
strawberry milkshakes - usually protein body builder shakes
can of pepsi max once every day or 3.
blackcurrent juice, sometimes pineapple

and when im out on the town - double vodka with coke, not really bothered about even that but need something to make me merry.

I dont drink anything else, literally. Saying that, i have the odd bottle of pineapple cider on the odd occasion. I cant stand beer, i can drink lager but its no thanks.

At my apartment I have to offer:

Orange squash
Orange juice
Diet cock (I mean coke)
decaf green tea
normal tea
and kenko blend coffee.
White wine
Red wine
Energy drinks

Ice in the freezer Smile

I even have chocolate digestives for those that need a sugar fix afterwards Smile

My Mum never drinks water. I find that really weird.
(06-05-2011, 21:57)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Energy drinks
Haha, i forgot energy drinks, sometimes when im at the gym i got low physical motivation so i'll buy one out of the machine and most of the time it kicks in.

After i found out how good those drinks are, ive always bought an energy drink from the shop 10-30 minutes before meeting the escort, also pop a viagra pill to keep me hard after ive cum for just in case shes close to orgasm so i can keep pumping away.

Do anything to impress...
(06-05-2011, 22:07)Tom30 Wrote:
(06-05-2011, 21:57)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Energy drinks
Haha, i forgot energy drinks, sometimes when im at the gym i got low physical motivation so i'll buy one out of the machine and most of the time it kicks in.

After i found out how good those drinks are, ive always bought an energy drink from the shop 10-30 minutes before meeting the escort, also pop a viagra pill to keep me hard after ive cum for just in case shes close to orgasm so i can keep pumping away.

Do anything to impress...

Have you ever taken a viagra type pill with an escort? As in you both take a bit? I had a 2 hour booking with a chap from Glasgow when I was in carlisle. He was 26 and the spit of the my first love (the guy I lost my virginity to) only even better looking. I had these capsules and wanted to know what it felt like, so we decided to take them together. It was amazing!!!!

I had the biggest headache the next day though and I didn't work the next day either, I could hardly move lol.

I would do it again, but next time pills and part of, not the whole thing.
(06-05-2011, 21:57)CurvaceousKate Wrote: At my apartment I have to offer:

Orange squash
Orange juice
Diet cock (I mean coke)
decaf green tea
normal tea
and kenko blend coffee.
White wine
Red wine
Energy drinks

Ice in the freezer Smile

I even have chocolate digestives for those that need a sugar fix afterwards Smile

My Mum never drinks water. I find that really weird.

What no cammomile herbal tea
(06-05-2011, 22:12)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Have you ever taken a viagra type pill with an escort? As in you both take a bit?
I did with an ex, she was having a gang bang the following day so i mentioned it to her she thought it might be a good idea to try it out.
After the gang bang with 24 men (seriously), she told me she wasnt sure if she felt any different, other than a very sore pussy, lol i couldnt touch her for 3 or 4 days.

Ive known a couple of common illegal drugs makes women experience orgasms a lot easier and more often. Dont discuss such things openly though.
(06-05-2011, 22:19)kenny m Wrote:
(06-05-2011, 21:57)CurvaceousKate Wrote: At my apartment I have to offer:

Orange squash
Orange juice
Diet cock (I mean coke)
decaf green tea
normal tea
and kenko blend coffee.
White wine
Red wine
Energy drinks

Ice in the freezer Smile

I even have chocolate digestives for those that need a sugar fix afterwards Smile

My Mum never drinks water. I find that really weird.

What no cammomile herbal tea

I have earl grey, lady grey and peppermint back at home, but no not at the apartment. Very remise of me.
I love pepermint herbal tea, rosehip also is good, at time si tend to carry a few tea bags around with me and try to get the cafe to provide me with a cup of hot water ( I do pay for this privalidge) as I find that coffee or can heighted my blood pressure, whereas a herbal tea can have the opposite effect.
(07-05-2011, 00:22)kenny m Wrote: I love pepermint herbal tea, rosehip also is good, at time si tend to carry a few tea bags around with me and try to get the cafe to provide me with a cup of hot water ( I do pay for this privalidge) as I find that coffee or can heighted my blood pressure, whereas a herbal tea can have the opposite effect.

oh no never tea or coffee, all i drink is orange lucozade costs me about 100 quid a week

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