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turn offs
I've just thought of something that does turn me off. I'm not sure if it is the little green man, or the instinct not to tread on a friends toes, but I find that when I see someone strongly flirting with another Escort on a forum (not just this one) it puts me off and I can feel myself mentally stepping back.

I don't know about the other girls on here and how they feel, but being desired and feeling sought after is a very big part of the ritual for me, so feeling 2nd, 3rd or 4th in line or an alternative because of the location to what they really want, totally puts me off.

I think this is why on the whole I tend to have banter with the guys I meet on the forums and only meet the ones that don't flirt so obviously. You know what they say, what you don't know won't hurt you. He could have been with every girl on the forum, but as long as I feel like the one he wants, that is all that matters.
i know what u are saying kate, the only way its really a turn off for me is if a woman spouts on she is the best, only whoever she is with can decide that, we are all very different thank christ, so can give the guys something different

i have been chatting with a couple of guys who now feel they are under pressure to meet other ladies who they have exchanged banter with on forums, to the guys its been banter nothing more but they feel it will cause upset if they dont meet them now

i have tried to tell them they are under no obligations to anyone
Oh I had not thought of it from that point of view lolo, gosh I would hate that too. I don't think I have ever pressurised anyone into meeting me, least I hope not.

Funnily enough one chap I had become really good friends with I had never talked flirty with or he with me until one evening some how we got talking about fantasies or the like and that was it, we had to meet. I've had two bookings with him now and a third one coming up. It was totally out of the blue and I have to say one of the best experiences I've had, as I feel geniune effection for him and trust.

I suppose the key is not to force something, but to let things roll and just see what happens. Friendship is never a poor substitute, it's just an alternative.
def let things happen naturally what will be will be
I very rarely tell anyone I am on a forum until maybe after a meeting as I do not like to feel any pressure from actually virtually knowing a lady.

Then if for some reason the meeting does not go as planned or we do not click for whatever reason we will still be unknown to each other and it would remain that way after all we do not click with everyone we meet
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(22-07-2011, 01:08)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I've just thought of something that does turn me off. I'm not sure if it is the little green man, or the instinct not to tread on a friends toes, but I find that when I see someone strongly flirting with another Escort on a forum (not just this one) it puts me off and I can feel myself mentally stepping back.

I don't know about the other girls on here and how they feel, but being desired and feeling sought after is a very big part of the ritual for me, so feeling 2nd, 3rd or 4th in line or an alternative because of the location to what they really want, totally puts me off.

I think this is why on the whole I tend to have banter with the guys I meet on the forums and only meet the ones that don't flirt so obviously. You know what they say, what you don't know won't hurt you. He could have been with every girl on the forum, but as long as I feel like the one he wants, that is all that matters.

Oh dear - hope I am not too much of a flirt then Kate in your eyes!

I love to have fun on the Forum and sometimes you do find people take things a little too seriously. That said, I tend to mean what I say but in a light hearted way.

(think I am digging a hole, time to switch the excavator off!)
filthy awfull fag breath!!!! not just a bit,...alot! it made me physically sick once it was disgusting,..and it makes me laugh i offer tooth brushes , mouth wash, mints, everything, but didnt want to use any of that lol get out of here you ashtray!

also,..i really want a ruddy caramel freddo lol


(22-07-2011, 11:40)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: filthy awfull fag breath!!!! not just a bit,...alot! it made me physically sick once it was disgusting,..and it makes me laugh i offer tooth brushes , mouth wash, mints, everything, but didnt want to use any of that lol get out of here you ashtray!

also,..i really want a ruddy caramel freddo lol

As a reformed smoker, I know exactly what you mean Tink - Eeeeeeeewwwww!

If the person has made a real effort, thats fine.
well as i said before im a heavy smoker but have met loads of non smokers who have been none the wiser

mind u i think the shops think i have a mouthwash addiction with the amount i buy lol
I've met lots of smokers who think I don't know they smoke, but i do. If the taste is very mild, there is no point bringing it up, as you know they have made an effort and it is appreciated.

Monty I don't want to clip your wings, you fly in the wind the way you want to and what will be will be. You're a lovely chap and I enjoy your partication on here. I'm just a sensitive soul x

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