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Sunday roasts R us...
Umbrella - I usually use my hiviz site jacket lol!

Last year we bought a pig (Humphrey) from a farm and I butchered it myself. A 69Kg pig was just about £100 which was great value for money, it was a free range Gloucester Old Spot so was yummy.
I bought a joint of pork today so I could practice my crackling making skills. I shall have a go on Friday.
There is all the stuff about starting it off and finishing at in a very hot oven, rubbing salt in it etc. But the best tip is to go to a good butcher and get the joint he recommends - the stuff in the supermarket rarely has enough fat on it and seldom works out well whatever you do.
Now he tells me! I've got a slob of Sainsbury pork in my fridge now. Fingers crossed I get some crackling from it and next time I'll go to the butcher and take out a mortgage lol.
(21-07-2011, 08:08)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Now he tells me! I've got a slob of Sainsbury pork in my fridge now. Fingers crossed I get some crackling from it and next time I'll go to the butcher and take out a mortgage lol.

It will be fine Kate, I did my crackling that I said with a piece from Tesco at the weekend & worked good as I said you had to watch crunchy those teeth!!Big Grin
slurps, thanks x
Can you all stop talking about food I am starving and the sandwich shop is shut
yeah exactly emily
I have to wipe a load of slobber as well - not good when you arent allowed to eat that sort of food!

It is one of my favourites too.
OK, been on the Tesco's home shopping site. What do you reckon: shoulder, leg or belly joint? Or something else entirely? I'm desperate for one now, so might have to force feed leftovers to clients - or just invite someone to dinner!

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