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Sunday roasts R us...
think should rename this thread the Sunday roast one
Sea salt is better I think, rub it in to the cracks well.
(17-07-2011, 21:21)lolo Wrote: think should rename this thread the Sunday roast one

Edited lol
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Who cooks the better roast? Me or you?!
You are better than me, but then again I've never been a great cook.
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lol actually it's me now I have the secret of great crackling, boooohhaaaaahhahaaahahahaaaaaa!!!!
Well we'll be inviting our selves for sunday lunch then!! lol I do like a good roast.

I get really bored with cooking and DrC usually tries to help me on a weekend and does the cooking.
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The problem with me is that I don't have time and it's once in a blue moon I cook like that. Particularly as I'm the one lumbered with the washing to do afterwards as well. I've got that to do today. Boooo!!

Roast beef sandwiches for lunch!
Bugger am I to late for an invite or is there any leftovers
I do love my dishwasher!
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(18-07-2011, 10:35)jayzee77 Wrote: I do love my dishwasher!

I do have a dishwasher, but you can't put the big stuff in there. Least I don't, maybe I should?

Yes too late, soz lol. I'll do an extra plate next time.

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