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(15-07-2011, 19:06)SassyAnn Wrote: Ah, Little Mac is so cute!

Don't be fooled Ann.
His mum was called biscuit so he is really McVittie, most call him Jack the Hat.
Cute but no manners and when he bites it's just at crotch hight.

Not my crotch height!
lovely Pan . with me i find if i have late booking i need few hours to chill and get back to normality etc .depends also if i stay in town or go home .
Hello, hello. Think I might be the only one about.
Went for a walk along Hadrian's Wall today - even though it was raining. Driving home, Hexham was almost flooded when we went through. So much rain came down in such a short period of time! My friend had never seen anything like it before.
Hope you're all well and Monty's show is going well.
we had it very warm today makes a change, roll on winter when there isnt as many insects
It's late and I should go to bed. I hope every one is having a loveley sunday :-) ( can't find the smileys)
if u used the quick reply box glo u dont get them
Mornin' all
Pissed it down till about 3pm here then sunny...might go for a drive. Love night driving.
morning pan, best time to drive when no one else is on the roads
we wil be driving up to scotland during the night to miss the traffic and hope the kids sleep! rather han bicker!
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