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Wanted to see if Asda had something in stock so decided to phone and find out .first call put me through to section ,hear phone being picked up and put down ,4 more times same thing. 5th attempt say to girl look you have a complete wombat upstairs makes a numpty look bright etc etc ,she now says hang on i will go and check myself .anyway yes it is in stock ,off i go to Asda go to section pick it up and take it to till. young lad says did you phone ? me yes .
Him everyone calling me wombat or numpty now . oh dear sorry about that ,felt really bad he was only about 16 ,after school job.
u werent to know he would come up to u though
We've all looked like twats at one time or another, most at some time in the work place (some still call me the granny shagger at my old local I used to asst manage, she was only 36 but hadn't aged well).
Part of life, call it a lesson, get over it and be stronger or let it get to you and be a doormat type. Hope for his sake he does the former.
Maybe he will learn his lesson and behave more professionally next time!

Bless they were mean to make him answer the phone if he was new.
Its part of your scholarship at the university of life.

We all used to send the apprentices for a Long Weight, a bag of sparks, a left handed screwdriver, Tartan Paint........ We had all had it done to us. All it did was made you think about what someone was asking you to do. With a bit of luck you have caused the wombat to think about customer service and be a bit more helpful and courteous next time someone else calls for help.
(16-07-2011, 13:48)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Bless they were mean to make him answer the phone if he was new.

Well he was 16 - surely he is capable of answering the phone and saying something, even if it was 'I dont know' - best he could talk on his mobile all day!
(19-07-2011, 17:39)monty69 Wrote:
(16-07-2011, 13:48)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Bless they were mean to make him answer the phone if he was new.

Well he was 16 - surely he is capable of answering the phone and saying something, even if it was 'I dont know' - best he could talk on his mobile all day!

think teenagers text more i know my son reads a text then puts his phone in his pocket to reply to it
Must admit after I posted my last comment, I did think that. Still, he should be able to speak, even if it is a grunt - they are all good at that.
(19-07-2011, 17:55)monty69 Wrote: Still, he should be able to speak, even if it is a grunt - they are all good at that.

Hahaha Big Grin

that reminds me , I was 15 and started working for solicitor, they made me pick up the phone .... and the client said , its important I need to speak to your boss ( and he was at the toilet ) .....and guess what I said , not making something up ...or any excuse why its not possible to talk to him.........

.............yep , I said he is on the toilet hahahahahhUndecided I can laugh about now ,but it was horrible heheh

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