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going public
after seeing it was a largs couple that won the euromilllions

would u go public with your winnings

i would def not, it would only be close family that knew
I think people are going to find out anyway, so what the hell! Although having said that with my shady goings on, it might be best to keep it under wraps if I could.
Totally agree Lolo - although they do seem nice - jammy gits!
Scotland seems to be quite lucky for the Euro millions... i must start buying a ticket! Blush
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
[Image: sigbanner.jpg]
I wouldn't bother, you have had your fair share of luck now, so it won't happen again for decades.
catrine has had 37 normal lotto winners, jammy so n so's
I definitely wouldn't... sure, some people who you'd rather wouldn't are bound to find out, but camelot aren't allowed to disclose your identity or anything about you unless you agree to it. And they do a pretty good job of it too - after all, who knows who the big winner was earlier this year?
Of course if you have £161 mill you could buy someone to pretend to be you and therefore put the press off - frankly i can't aford this for the tenner i won on Wednesday!
Congratulations on having a win! £10 is enough to impress me, where are you taking me with it? lol
i would want to keep it a secret. imagine all the fun i could have with the sexy ladies on here wow!!!

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