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i've been hearing lately off clients how some ladies have started setting alarms to the minute, so even if they are mid stroke the minute the alarm goes off they are ordered to dress then get out

im quite flexible with my time as long as the piss doesn't get taken, the only time i or the client has kept a eye on the clock is if he needs to catch the train, so have to take into account getting dressed then driving the 5 miles over there
Some how things seem to naturally come to an end around the time of the end of the booking. I also tend to put some music on in the background and when that comes to an end, it means there is usually around 15 mins left, (if an hour booking) so things are starting to wind up around then. If I don't have anything to do afterwards, I'm pretty laid back and sometimes offer another drink, I usually offer a shower after the time is up, so that is in my time if you like. I don't like the idea of anyone leaving me looking ruffled or smelling suspect, so it is in my interest to get them well groomed before leaving lol.

If I do have someone to see soon after then I usually tell them before they accept the booking, so they are fully aware. That way they know there is a time frame and have accepted that before arriving. It does not happen often though, more likely on tour than at home.
Thats happened to me once at an escorts apartment for an hour.
I was on sex-round 2, she was on top and all of a sudden her phone/alarm clock went off in the kitchen, she asked if i was close to cumming i said not really, she got off me as she said sorry she has a friend coming round soon. She went to the kitchen across the hallway i saw her mustve been her mobile phone looked like she was texting.

In the kitchen i was so horny standing behind her while she was typing a text msg, she agreed to let me shag her quickly so i could finish off, then we showered up got dressed, she was in a hurry for me to leave.

Just as i approached the elivator the doors opened with this well suited professional looking old bloke with a small bunch of flowers in his hand, i looked back to see if he was going to her door... and he was! lol, she let him in. Obviously a client (she was 24, he looked like 60ish) Talk about perfect timing and cutting it short.
(05-05-2011, 08:01)Tom30 Wrote: Thats happened to me once at an escorts apartment for an hour.
I was on sex-round 2, she was on top and all of a sudden her phone/alarm clock went off in the kitchen, she asked if i was close to cumming i said not really, she got off me as she said sorry she has a friend coming round soon. She went to the kitchen across the hallway i saw her mustve been her mobile phone looked like she was texting.

In the kitchen i was so horny standing behind her while she was typing a text msg, she agreed to let me shag her quickly so i could finish off, then we showered up got dressed, she was in a hurry for me to leave.

Just as i approached the elivator the doors opened with this well suited professional looking old bloke with a small bunch of flowers in his hand, i looked back to see if he was going to her door... and he was! lol, she let him in. Obviously a client (she was 24, he looked like 60ish) Talk about perfect timing and cutting it short.

very short indeed

if you buy a gallon of petrol you get a gallon of petrol, if you buy a loaf of bread you get a loaf of bread, and with our industry the client is paying for our time be it an hour a half hour or whatever, if we cut a half hour to 20 mins thats wrong (unless the client has come and finished and wants to go)

By the same token that 20 mins is wrong for a half hour appt so is running over to say 40 mins.

I set a reminder on my phone 5 mins before the end of the appt so the client knows we are coming to the end and he can finish. It is important to remember that when having sex for many guys they totally lose track of time, and if their times up and they have not finished they are frustrated, so i like to remind them time is nearly up.
I agree Jane, I think having the music on in the back ground has a similar effect. When it stops it reminds you that time has past by and you mentally take note that you may be coming to an end.
music can be offputting unless its a cd, if its the radio inappropriate busic can come on and guys try to bang away to the music lol
Bohemion rapsody by queen is a good example, some slow bits then all of a sudden its hang onto the headboard time.
(05-05-2011, 09:08)Jane22 Wrote: if you buy a gallon of petrol you get a gallon of petrol, if you buy a loaf of bread you get a loaf of bread, and with our industry the client is paying for our time be it an hour a half hour or whatever, if we cut a half hour to 20 mins thats wrong (unless the client has come and finished and wants to go)

By the same token that 20 mins is wrong for a half hour appt so is running over to say 40 mins.

I set a reminder on my phone 5 mins before the end of the appt so the client knows we are coming to the end and he can finish. It is important to remember that when having sex for many guys they totally lose track of time, and if their times up and they have not finished they are frustrated, so i like to remind them time is nearly up.

(05-05-2011, 10:31)Jane22 Wrote: music can be offputting unless its a cd, if its the radio inappropriate busic can come on and guys try to bang away to the music lol
Bohemion rapsody by queen is a good example, some slow bits then all of a sudden its hang onto the headboard time.

Omg no I would never put the radio on, far too distracting, plus it never ends. I have it on to mask my moans primarily. I can be a noisy bugger at times. At the moment I have adele on as background music mostly or mr buble.
mr buble, im afraid i would dry up and not be able to have sex ( i think) i find him one of the most well i duuno what really he just seems so smug i can imagine him wanking off at pictures of himself he is so into himself sorry if you like him but he really annoys me i know hes popular so it must be me thats wrong lol
(05-05-2011, 10:50)Jane22 Wrote: mr buble, im afraid i would dry up and not be able to have sex ( i think) i find him one of the most well i duuno what really he just seems so smug i can imagine him wanking off at pictures of himself he is so into himself sorry if you like him but he really annoys me i know hes popular so it must be me thats wrong lol

If u had said that about adele I may have been miffed, as I really do like her, but no I bought mr buble for work purposes. It's easy listening bacground music. I'm more of a rock chick in my own life, but the Gorilla's or King's of Leon don't quite cut it lol.

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