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lovely horses pan
ann stay of the milk it the worse thing for a cold, get those fizzy zinc ttabs & some berocca, years of working through one, they really do give u a boost
They are gorgeous horses Pan! I have a mate called Cam too!

The milk soothed my throat. There is only so much diet coke a girl can take!

I did have a fizzy Vit C today, but will look out for some Berocca when I'm in town.

Nite, nite all - don't start posting now I'm going to bed or I might have to stay up!
Get Well Sass!
lol sleep well
(11-07-2011, 06:35)SassyAnn Wrote: They are gorgeous horses Pan! I have a mate called Cam too!

The milk soothed my throat. There is only so much diet coke a girl can take!

I did have a fizzy Vit C today, but will look out for some Berocca when I'm in town.

Nite, nite all - don't start posting now I'm going to bed or I might have to stay up!

I told you about Berocca when we were touring together!!! Gosh woman! And I've told you about First defence, so no excuses for getting a cold again.

The horses are lovely pan. Where I work from one of my bedrooms overlooks a field that has horses kept in it. I love watching them and the squirrels and the rabbits playing in the garden. I shall miss it when I have to leave there.
Nice horses, are they yours? Or part of your work. I used to Enjoy going on horse visits, some of the horsey people can be lovely... Then there are the others....
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
(13-07-2011, 20:27)jayzee77 Wrote: Nice horses, are they yours? Or part of your work. I used to Enjoy going on horse visits, some of the horsey people can be lovely... Then there are the others....

Cheers jayzee, they are gorgeous if I do say so myself, especially for arabs.
They are ours but my OH's really. I'm the bit on the end of the shovel and their keeper in winter.
Working mostly from home does have its downsides when she is working late. Makes the odd London commute or road trip a bit of a blessing sometimes.

No early birds today either? Damn that consultants report on my knee better have a solution. Cant be doing with this up all night lark.

The others...? Dare I ask you to expand?
Do you mean the "Daddy I want a pony!" set?
I hope it has nothing to do with the German video market. Confused
I would have been here but my son has taken to sleeping his his den at the bottom of the garden and has put the wifi in the kitchen, which doesn't allow me to have a connection from my bedroom. I've decided it's not a bad thing when I seem to be going to bed 1am and later these days, so it's stopping me from being an internet junkie.
hardly had a internet connection felt as if i was missing a limb
Ah, Little Mac is so cute!

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