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No, felt I'd recovered sufficiently from my cold to go and visit a friend. Promptly fell asleep on arrival. Am now W I D E awake. Playing with my signature, when I'm sure I could be doing things far more productive.
Don't let me interrupt your wank!
Very thoughtful!
Have you finished yet?
With these pain killers I can only just about get it up and even then I have barely any feeling in the old chap, given up on that idea. I can't be arsed to go to the quacks with a wrist injury tomorrow(today)! Better stop taking them If I'm to be any use on Tuesday.
Looks like Kate got has nodded off.
You still cold-ish or feeling better now?
Sorry got bored, went and watched some telly and am now back with a cold glass of milk.
Still felt bunged up today (yesterday), but I'm feeling a lot better now!
Hopefully that will translate into some energy to get things moving around the house!

When did the horse kick you? Could you have avoided it? What sort of horse is it? Not that I know the first thing about horses!
oops sorry ann was out playing just got back, how are u both
I appear to be the only one still up. Lightweights!
oh im here to awake to even think about sleep now might catch a quick nap in the afternoon
I should have put a shot of brandy in my milk!
Milk will bung you up even more you know.

A pure bred arab, was showing guests the three in the paddock and feeding them apples. They need keeping apart or one barges and tries to get all the treats.
I think he went to kick in warning to the smallest one, not meaning to hit him, but I was right behind him. I could see him getting feisty but in that situation, you can move fast and spook them, or be calm and risk it. I am of the school of not spooking them as the tend to be less calm in the future.

Timmy the grey, poor fella that got me.
[Image: Timmy.JPG]

Him and his mate Cam
[Image: Tim_Cam.jpg]

And Little Mac
[Image: Little%252520Mac.jpg]


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