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Well fuck me sideways, Mr DoHicky!
Anyone can get cocky just cos they have 1000 plus posts Ann!
I think I'm in need of a cocky right now, actually.
Lol Ann. You may have to make do with choccie
Maybe I'll got out skanky in my hoodie and buy some ciggies.
(09-07-2011, 18:48)SassyAnn Wrote: Maybe I'll got out skanky in my hoodie and buy some ciggies.

you will look a lot smarter than some up there even when there dressed for a night on the toon
Nite on da toon: next to naked with skyscraper heels. It's just not me Emily. I'm shy and retiring. Doh!
I used to love the Bigg Market for the pure entertainment value of slapper watching it was more entertaing than getting pissed
Sometimes it's difficult to sleep. That's why i'm on here at this time of the morning.
My remedy is Sainsburys own brand herbal sleep capsules, they work for me, but the problem right now is i don't have any in.
So i listen to music. It might be Boards of Canada or Jean Michel Jarre or William Akkerman. Or the David Bowie album Low.
For me tonight though it's Claude Debussy. Two piano etudes. Clare de Lune & Girl With the Flaxen Hair.
This must be the most beautiful music ever written for piano & listening to it, it reminds me of a quote from the author Kurt Vonnegut.." If i should ever die, God fordid, let this be my epitaph : the only proof he needed for the existence of God was music."
I'm tired now & i'll be asleep in about 5 minutes. So night everyone.
22 minutes till my bed time! Woohoo Sleepy

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