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Not Happy
Starting with a basic one using a ready made template on escort site just to get used to it really then see how it goes from there.

Your right though it does give you a sense of achievement when you learn something new until this year the most technical I got was using facebook and was chuffed to bits with my little banner even hubby was impressed that I managed it. Long way to go yet though but I am determined
Seriously photoshop is the best way to make one from scratch. You can do all the font stuff on there and the picture resizing, everything. It's much simpler. You should be able to get a copy if you know what you're doing. Maybe ask MrSmiths.
Thanks Kate I will have a look
I've moved it to the General section, as it occurred to me that it wasn't adult discussion, but more general discussion about banners.
I get a bit confused Kate sometimes I did ponder at the time where to put it think its my blonde side coming out to play
Kate is photoshop the same as gimp if so I already have it no idea how though
I been working at a banner for ages and getting it linked. Finally I had some help, not
the greatest banner I have to say. I am trying to get it on some sides and I have to say
I am giving up. I have no clue what I am doing, I know its sad heheheh.

I wouldn't even know how to put my banner on here . It's been giving me a real headache.

Maybe one day I see my banner somewhere up ....mmmm
Hi Sweettalk
Why don't you introduce yourself on the Intros section?
what softwear did u use to make it looks cool with all the sparkles
Sweettalk, I've put a thread up with step by step instructions. Hope if helps.
(08-07-2011, 15:06)crystal denison Wrote: what softwear did u use to make it looks cool with all the sparkles

Here you go Crystal I tried loads but it was like double dutch this one was really straight forward


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