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found this,....
Dont worry Lolo very much said tongue in cheek!!! Still I have a feeling I will need to up the ante as I dont want to fade too quickly and leave Lolo unsatisfied lol
(30-06-2011, 13:17)monty69 Wrote:
(30-06-2011, 13:15)Emily of Halifax Wrote: Its back to that male ego thing again they all think they are superstars (Mr Smith being the exception) bet he has got funny crooked toes as well

Who has??? Mr Smith or the fellow that Tinkerbell found?? Big Grin
Haha sorry forgot that you are an exception as well

(30-06-2011, 13:17)monty69 Wrote:
(30-06-2011, 13:15)Emily of Halifax Wrote: Its back to that male ego thing again they all think they are superstars (Mr Smith being the exception) bet he has got funny crooked toes as well

Who has??? Mr Smith or the fellow that Tinkerbell found?? Big Grin

(30-06-2011, 13:26)monty69 Wrote: Dont worry Lolo very much said tongue in cheek!!! Still I have a feeling I will need to up the ante as I dont want to fade too quickly and leave Lolo unsatisfied lol

ooh u'l satisfy me dont worry about that
now dont ask me how the hell I managed to duplicate that because I have no idea
(30-06-2011, 13:30)Emily of Halifax Wrote: now dont ask me how the hell I managed to duplicate that because I have no idea

It must be one of your hidden talents!!!

For the record I do have slightly crooked toes as have broken most of them at one time or another - not easy to set so left them to mend themselves! Got to be my worst feature lol
Hidden talents Monty believe me I even surprise myself at times

Bit of a tip wear steel capped rigger boots when you are using that tractor of yours health and safety at all times
(30-06-2011, 13:38)Emily of Halifax Wrote: Hidden talents Monty believe me I even surprise myself at times

Bit of a tip wear steel capped rigger boots when you are using that tractor of yours health and safety at all times

Oh I do these days! Broken most of my toes before I was 25! Big Grin
God you sound more accident prone than me
Overall, I have broken most of my toes, broken 2 fingers hitting someone when I was 19, broken ankle from playing rugby, cracked collarbone when I was 9, oh and a couple of teeth from being kicked by a sheep! (Oh and not doing what you are thinking - dirty girl!!)
I was thinking sheep shearing monty not sheep shagging i never for one moment believed the rumours

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