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how strange are some people
(29-06-2011, 15:29)Emily of Halifax Wrote:
(29-06-2011, 14:58)lolo Wrote: my emails today have been unbelievable even though i state that im not avail, still getting emails asking why, when i say i've just had all my upper teeth out & implants put in & that my gums are running with blood, they still want to meet & have owo & kissing, some folk need a shake

You could have a unique selling point there I am sure there will be a niche market somewhere

lol thats true emily

(29-06-2011, 12:42)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: to be fair i book a high percentage through txting and they are very genuine and just cant speak on the phone or some people get very worried or scared
i do advertise some places without my rates being shown only my number and discription
im on contract with free txts so i dont really worry about the cost

Yes, I fully understand that what works for some people does not work for others, or just simply that people work in different ways. There is no right or wrong way and you should always / only do what suits you and you are happy with.

(29-06-2011, 15:30)monty69 Wrote: It is assumed that an escort is on her own and is always after business. As an escort I guess they feel you dont have a life outside of escorting, live on your own, do nothing else etc etc.

Total ignorany b*****ds really!

This is the attitude of some people that I have found spouting rubbish on other forums... The same as tehre is good and bad on both sides of the escort / punter fence.

Regardless of looks, each girl will have a different personality and work in a different way to others. Myself i prefer to have sex than spend the time chatting. especially when Wimbledon is on.
Oh dear, if I have read the above post right, I must be spouting rubbish. Hey ho, I will kepp my gob shut in future.
(29-06-2011, 16:52)monty69 Wrote: Oh dear, if I have read the above post right, I must be spouting rubbish. Hey ho, I will kepp my gob shut in future.

its fine monty i know what u are saying as u were answering my post
I think you were being quite general Monty, people often forget you have a life outside of this.. almost a double life with this sort of thing. So they expect you to be at their beck and call.
I get why aren't i on cam now.. as i am busy sorting family etc.
Come check out my profile
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I had a guy who kept calling wanting a meet and he lived in Oxford, which is about an hour and a half away from where I live. One day he asked when I was available and I told him that I could be available any time up to x. He then didn't get in touch again until he sent me a text to say he was 20 mins away and would he come over. He new that I did not live where I work and that I had an apartment that I work from and it was a weekend.

I told him off and said that I was not dressed in lingerie 24/7 sitting with my legs open and had a life and needed more than 20 minutes notice. He just said that because I said I was available that day that I was.

I'll be honest with you I got really annoyed with him and probably vented all my frustrations on him for that week and give him fair dues he waited for a more appropriate time and we did meet and he was lovely, he just needed educating to the life of an Escort.
def kate i find that i put hours im available between but i dont sit hanging about for a phone to ring
Go on Tinks you know you want to! Call him from a different number and say you are calling from The Investigations Bureau and tip him off that he may be being followed by a private Investigator! Or anything to the effect that will leave him bricking it!
Providing directcam & chat, femdom sessions and personalised one to one to one webcam via Adultwork to turn your fantasy into a reality! See my feedback of 1040 Smile
lol kaz!! i love it,....ive not heard from him since so hopefully he got the msg or perhaps died haha



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