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meeting forum members
Aha I see it now! Never noticed that before lol. Thanks x
(15-06-2011, 21:47)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Where did I miss that it is Lolo's birthday????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!!!! Hope you had a good one, although the champagne sounds like you may have done x

We have discussed sploshing before Ann, but it might have been when you were still hibernating x

thank u kate iv had a really fab day Big Grin
(15-06-2011, 21:47)CurvaceousKate Wrote: ...We have discussed sploshing before Ann, but it might have been when you were still hibernating x
Kate, I meant why no-one had mentioned it earlier in the day, what with all the birthday cake and champagne going around!
Yes we have definitely spoken of it before - it piqued my interest. I do love my hibernation, but I try and keep up to speed, even with the family hordes descended!
ahhh that is the one thing I hate about the net, misinterpretation is so easy to do. Sorry xx

I must remember you have your beady eye on here when you're not posting in future lol. It means I can wind you up without even talking to you lol xx
You may tickle my fancy, but you never wind me up. If you do, biatch, it will be the last thing you do - until the next time!
lol I may put a padlock on my door when we go touring together me thinks! Scary Mary!!!

Now I'm snuggled up in my bed, I feel shattered!!!! It's so nice to have my internet connection back though, I don't want to sleep yet.
We met a certain Curvaceous young lady from the Forum last week for lunch - She was absolutely gorgeous and if there were any premeet nerves they were soon dispelled. It's always great to 'compare notes,' stories, experiences and needless to say laughter.
If anyone finds themselves in or close to Wiltshire, or ever needs any help, then let us know x x
I'm glad you said gorgeous and not delicious or it would have sounded like I was on the menu lol. My God that burger was huge and there may be some connection between you being half my size and the fact you ate half as much as me lol. Still it would have been rude to leave it, like I said. I'll always try and get as much in my mouth as I can, boom boom!

There are definitely some people to avoid in this line of work, but I'm glad to say that so far most of the ones I have met have been lovely and nerves, what nerves? We'll leaves those for the weirdo's lol.
am i allowed to say delicious when i meet u lol
I must say one the most fun encounters I had was with a member of another board.
When I booked on AW, I told her my forum name as I thought it only fair If I had read her posts that she should read mine, if we were to meet.
I've no doubt the meeting would have been superb regardless as she is a true star in Kent.
Having common knowledge of posts going back many months, I would say that the ice was never there to be broken and it was very much like meeting a fuck buddy who I could gossip with.

Of course it depends on the members and the escort, people have different characters on forums, luckily when talking punting it is as close to the real me as I allow, often having to wear many masks for work in daily life, and the escort I met with was also very much like her on-line persona.

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