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Tut Tut - UK Pornstar/model jailed for falsely claiming £62,000 in benefits!
Saw this article in the news this week; Clare Evans (no I admit I hadn't heard of her either LOL), a mother of two from Bristol has been jailed for 10 months for falsely claiming £62,000 in benefits whilst working as a pornstar and model. Naughty naughty! A link to the story on Metro Online can be found here:

So, was just wondering what everyone thinks of this. Discuss...
I don't understand it. I assume if she was a porn star as well as an Escort she was earning big, so why put yourself in that vunerable situation where you can be accused of fraud? She didn't need that money.

Seriously once you have decided that Escorting is your career path, you should become legitimate and declare any earnings.
I have to agree with Kate there
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there was one got done up here for it she got 2yrs her own stupid fault
There are always two sides to a story and usually 2 or 3 more, there is also Need, greed and just because you can. I am sure she did not set out to cheat or defraud the system by that amount, but sometimes the money starts rolling in and the benefit, as a single mother, is paid direct without question.

At the start, it was probably to earn a bit extra etc and then became more, also she did not get pregnant on her own, so probably had a partner in crime, but it was her name on the claim.

Who knows what went on? but, that does not make it right or excuse it.

We discussed domestic abuse, but there are often girls that are coerced into working or doing porn through a relationship. I know of at few girls that worked whilst they had a partner but gave up the minute the relationship was over.

She could be out on a tag in 10 weeks and will have the proceeds of crime after her, if she has any money left


Shows that she has been caught before so maybe not so innocent, although I did not spot any reference to her working as an escort.

It does take some time to adjust to what you are doing. I think you have to accept it inwardly before you can accept it outwardly and that includes declaring your earnings. However, once you have accepted that Escorting is your main source of income or even a hefty secondary one, it should be declared.

We may all complain about the services the council and government provide these days, but we do still have them and what you are doing is contributing to society. Not only did she take 62 thousand that could have gone to someone with true need, but she was not contributing to pay the wage of the bin men that took away her rubbish, the nurse that checked she was STI free or any of the other services that we all take for granted.

I know I had a niggly feeling when I got to the point when I realised I was no longer dabbling, but actually earning and addressed the situation at that point. I'm sure she would have had that feeling, even if she had been led to the work and not her desire to do so. She has children, so why take the risk?
The articles didn't say she was an escort, just receiving royalties from photos and films. I suppose initially she wouldn't know if she would get a regular income from it. But over 6 years, she would definitely have known it was a steady income stream.
Bet she feels dreadful now, having to take her child into prison with her. I can't help thinking about all the people who scam the system when there are people who are desperately in need, who refuse to claim anything.
I know what you mean Ann, some times pride can be a barrier, where other people have no pride at all.
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