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Choosing an accountant
OK...this is a bit of self promotion for me, but there is also a serious tone to this message.

There seems to be quite a few "newbies" that I am coming across who are wanting to go legit and would prefer to use an accountant. Sometimes people think that a proper regulated accountant will charge a considerable amount more than a mate around the corner who just happens to know something about accounts.

Unfortunately the title "Accountant" is not a protected one in law... anybody can call themselves one even if they haven't got a soddin clue about anything!

Rather than retype what I have already done, have a look at one of my blogs....

The same applies no matter what industry you are working in; there is a BIG difference between a time served, qualified accountant and a person who dabbles!

Do yourself a favour and if you are using somebody to do your accounts / tax for you... make sure they are qualified. It will only pay dividends in the future.
The man is right a good accountant can save you loads however the term accountant makes me laugh-turf accountant- classy for a bookie.Anyone got a good accountant phrase for an escort?????
Absolutely.... it may seem so easy to fill in the forms yourself (and it really is easy) but if you don't know what additional allowances you are entitled to or what does and does not count as an allowable expense then you are probably going to end up either paying too much tax or getting on the wrong end of the tax man.

Also, I think the tax man is more likely to investigate someone who is not using an accountant?

I'm sure someone told me that once... maybe friendly accountant knows more?

{EDIT: (ps - @Gaz255... how about "sperm accountant"?)}
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(24-04-2012, 12:49)Trinity-Belle Wrote: Absolutely.... it may seem so easy to fill in the forms yourself (and it really is easy) but if you don't know what additional allowances you are entitled to or what does and does not count as an allowable expense then you are probably going to end up either paying too much tax or getting on the wrong end of the tax man.

Also, I think the tax man is more likely to investigate someone who is not using an accountant?

I'm sure someone told me that once... maybe friendly accountant knows more?

{EDIT: (ps - @Gaz255... how about "sperm accountant"?)}

Did I hear my name being taken in vain again!? Confused

HMRC have many reasons for opening an investigation into an individuals tax affairs...

One thing is pretty clear though... having an accountant on your side will always make the process easier. It's amazing the amount of stress that brown envelopes etc landing on the doormat cause especially when they are asking you to attend an interview etc.

Yes - some enquiries are pretty straight forward and could be answered quite easily by the average Jo (or Joan) Bloggs. But IF you have been a naughty person and have been hiding something...well....... best not say too much on here!

As a "buy the buy" the comment, included in my annual fee is the cost of an insurance policy (we in the business call it a Fee Protection Policy) which subject to certain conditions being met, it means that should a client get investigated, then all of my fees for that investigation work will be met by the insurer. Seeing that fees for this type of work are on the high side (Angel), then it means the client is a winner.

BE careful of accountants that charge £200/£300 for this policy - it costs me less than £40 for a sole trader... I just include it in my fees. Is that not what is called transparent pricing?

Sales pitch over...

Any more free advice needed by anybody? Ths sun is shining and the weekend is one day nearer (which always makes for a happy accountant Big Grin)
we have access to an accountant in the North East who already has a number of girls on his books. Extremely professional and discreet. If anyone needs the contact details please get in touch

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