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FemDom session with CrystelLeiXXX, Canary Islands (Spain), 10/10
CrystelLeiXXX, Canary Islands (Spain), 10/10
Escort: Crystel Lei


Phone Number: N/A (contact through e-mail on AdultWork profile only)

Meeting Date: 25/06/2011

Meeting Type: Incall

Location: Canary Islands (Spain)

Meeting Duration: 4 hours

Fee: £500

Please be advised that this field report is for a femdom booking only. As stated on her profile, Crystel Lei does not offer full service escort bookings, so I would ask you to please be aware of this and do not waste her time by asking for anything other than a femdom booking if you wish to see her). Now, with that out of the way, the venue; I had arranged a femdom session with Crystel at her home, in the Canary Islands in Spain. A long way to go for a femdom session I know. But to give you some context; I have sessioned with Crystel before, so this was not the first time I had met her. I have had several femdom sessions with her in the past whilst she was in the UK, and I was not going to let a simple plane journey stand in the way of further sessions. Crystel was very accomodating in allowing me to travel to her new home in the Canary Islands, on the basis that I sort out the flight there and back. Crystel was extremely helpful here; she recommended me the airline to use, with very fair flight prices, and even recommended a taxi to use from the airport to hers. The femdom session we arranged was to run for four hours from the evening. But Crystel was amazing as she offered me her hospitality for pretty much the entire day; so I got off my flight early morning, and got to her home for about 9am. I met Crystel and her partner (who is a great chap by the way) and we chatted and caught up and I then freshened up, which I was grateful for after the flight. I then chilled for several hours, and was even treated to lunch. I was enjoying all this so much we almost missed the start of the session as no one was watching the time:-D Anyway, what I want to get across here is that Crystel was incredibly hospitable in allowing me into her home for the day prior to (and after) the session. This meant that I was relaxed for the session, as opposed to having to try to time my flight and rush to get to hers for the start of the session. I should point out that having sessioned with Crystel several times in the past, we are now both friends, so this played a part in the hospitality on offer. And therefore such hospitality should not be expected as a given for anyone wishing to visit her for a session (I guess you would have to work this out between you and Crystel beforehand). Should also point out that Crystel intends to travel to UK 3 or 4 times each year for several weeks (I believe her next visit is in November) so for anyone not wishing to travel to Spain, fear not, as she will be on tour in the UK soon (and I for one intend to see her again then).

Physical appearance:
Well...if you have already seen Crystel's profile on AdultWork then there's a good chance that you've seen piccies of her in her gallery. So you don't need me to tell you that she's smoking hot! A definate 10 out of 10. Large (no make that extra-large) breasts (which I should point out that only her best slaves are allowed to gaze upon in their naked glory), great legs and peachy bum. With blonde hair, and a gorgeous smile. Having been in the sun for several weeks since moving to the Canary Islands, Crystel also now sports a stunning golden tan, which you can only see in a couple of her current gallery pics. When I arrived Crystel was in a rather fetching bikini, trying to catch more rays as I pulled up in the taxi! As the day approached the evening though and we all got ready for the session (after almost missing the start by not keeping an eye on the time) Crystel changed into her domme attire. Luckily it was cooler in the evening, which was good as otherwise Crystel would have been baking in her outfit! Crystel wore a pvc top, with black fishnet stockings, and black knee-high boots. The perfect femdom appearance for the perfect femdom!
For anyone, like me, who has met Crystel before, you will know that she is very friendly and chatty, with a warm heart and a bubbly personality (when not in domme mode that is!). Crystel and I get on great. Thinking back to the first time I sessioned with her, I remember that I was incredibly nervous about the whole thing, but back then she put my mind at ease in no time at all. So, for any newcomers that are wishing to meet Crystel, then fear not, as you have nothing to worry about, as (in non-domme mode at least) she is the nicest person you could hope to meet. Now, in domme mode that's a different story altogether; mean, vicious, brutal, teasing, and more. But that's what I pay her for :-D Also would like to briefly mention Crystel's male partner (who on this occasion filmed a lot of our exploits). Again, a really nice, down-to-earth chap. Very considerate, and great to chat to. Crystel and him make a great couple.

Warning; this section goes into some explicit detail on the femdom session. So you have been warned LOL. So, after chilling with Crystel for several hours, it was time for the femdom session to begin. Crystel went to get ready into h[/b]er domme attire. Whilst I got myself mentally ready. I was instructed to wait on my hands and knees, completely naked, for when mistress returned. I had asked for an intense session, and so all the friendly banter that had gone on earlier in the day was not to feature. I was to be abused for four hours, and I had asked Crystel beforehand not to allow the session to stop for any reason (even if I begged her). We had a safe-word, which was to be used only in emergencies. A safe-word is very important by the way, so if you are going to session with Crystel then I suggest you discuss this with her and come up with a suitable safe-word before any play is undertaken. And boy did I get some abuse! Mistress had pushed me very far in our last femdom session, and she obviously wanted to push me even further this time. It started tame, with boot/heel and foot worship, with mistress making me lick every inch of her knee-high boots (including sucking on the heels) before making me kiss her stockinged feet. Once this was done mistress told me that she hoped I enjoyed that, as the rest of the session would be an endurance test! And it truly was; she started by putting me in a leash and collar. She also put a pair of nipple clamps on me, which she took great pleasure in telling me that they would be on me for the duration. She then made me get back down on all fours, for a bout of corporal punishment. A variety of implements were used; a flogger, whip, paddle, and a cane, which all had a different effect (the cane was the most painful!). Towards the end of the corporal punishment, mistress used solely her cane. A constant stream of canings ensued, until the point where her cane actually broke! Of course mistress was not pleased by having one of her favourite canes being broken. So this then resulted in a cease of corporal punishment, and a bout of ball-kicking. I took five sharp kicks to my balls. I was in agony from this; for although I have a high pain threshold in most areas, my pain thresold in this area is not the best. I dropped to the floor, crying out. But I had asked mistress prior to the session to not stop the session once started. And I did not use the safe-word here, so mistress continued with her abuse; with some puppy-play. She led me round her house on all fours, like a good little dog, yanking at the leash attached to the collar round my neck. This tour of her house finished in her bathroom. Still in puppy mode it was here where mistress made me clean the inside of the toilet. I didn't do a very good job here, so mistress punished me by flushing the toilet whilst my head was inside! Once this was over (and mistress regained herself after a 5-minute bout of laughter directed at me) mistress took me back to the main room, where the session had began. For there was a lot of space in this room, and space was needed for what mistress had in mind; trampling. She made me lie down, face looking up at the ceiling, legs together. And she then trampled on top of me (thank god she was not still in boots!) forcing me to take her weight. Mistress also dug her foot into her meat and two veg, before releasing it, and then planting the same foot into my mouth! A few minutes was all I could take of this, so mistress climbed down. No pause though; straight on with the next activity, which was nipple torture and needle play. For this, mistress made me stand up straight, and in fact gave me a sharp slap to my face; for my composure was very bad. So I corrected my composure. And then without warning mistress yanked the clamps from my nipples, that had been earlier attached. This hurt like hell. My nipples were now very red, and sensitive. Just how mistress wanted them for the next activity; needle play. I had been introduced to needle play at a previous session with mistress, and she was very happy with how well I took it, so she wanted to up the level this time. And she was true to her word. I think I took 10 needles in and around each nipple! Again, a very painful experience. But mistress complemented me on how well I took it. Thinking the needle play was over, I relaxed a little, but oh how wrong I was, as mistress had other plans. With around 20 needles already stuck in me (and mistress informed me they would stay in place for a good long while) mistress made me lie on my back. She then blindfolded me (looking back I understand why now, as if I was to see what was coming I probably would have shouted out the safe word!), and left me waiting for several minutes, wondering what was coming next...until out of the blue I felt a sharp sudden pain in my left testicle. And before I could react, another pain in my right testicle. Yes, mistress had decided to use my testies as a pin cushion. I cried out in pain, but my cries fell on deaf ears, and within the next 30 seconds four more needles were inserted. Mistress then removed the blindfold from me, and made me look at her handywork; eight needles inserted fully into my testicles. Thankfuly mistress limited the needles to my nipples and balls. But with much delight she made it clear that a certain part of my body would get plenty of needle attention next time (I wonder which part she is referring to?). Stupidly I asked mistress if she could remove the needles, which resulted in a sharp slap to my face. For I should have known better; they would be removed when mistress wanted them removed! Mistress then wasted no time in moving on to the next activity, which was watersports. Mistress lead me outdoors to her patio area nearby the pool (again I was forced to crawl on all fours like a dog, with mistress in charge of the leash around my neck). Although close to the pool, this was a different kind of watersports! She had been consuming a lot of water throughout the day, and she took great pleasure in informing me that she was bursting to pee, having stored it up! So, she made me lie down, and then squatted over me. She removed her stockings and panites out of the way, giving me a brief but great view from down below her. She made me open my mouth, and she then let rip all over my face, and into my mouth, making me taste her golden nectar. Following this mistress allowed me a short break to wash and compose myself, before the next activity; removal of the needles! Mistress had decided the needles had been in me long enough, and derived great pleasure in pulling them out of me, some very quickly, and some more slowly. But all of them painful. Once all were removed, from my nipples and balls, I thanked mistress. The next activity that was done was wax play. This was done back indoors. Mistress made me lie down on my back, and lit a candle. She teased me with this, bringing the hot flame of the candle close to my private parts. Before letting the wax from the candle drip all over my body; she started at the top, by making me stick out my tongue, and letting the hot wax fall on to my tongue, before moving down my body, on to my nipples next, before then moving on to my cock and balls. This was my third experience with wax play, and I am getting better and better all the time.I am very proud of how well I took the wax play this time. The abuse of my meat and two veg continued into the next activity, which was a severe bout of cbt. This took the form of mistress attaching as many pegs as she could fit on to my cock and balls (I think this totalled around 30) before trying to find the best (or worst!) way to remove the pegs. Three methods of removal were used here; the first consisted of simply yanking a peg off with her hands. The second, more painful way consisted of hitting the pegs with her cane until they came off. And the third (but by no means least) method consisted of whipping them off with her whip. Ouch! I was on the floor by the end of this, reeling in pain. So mistress allowed me a very short break, just 5 minutes, before moving on to the next activity. Which was breath-play. Again, this is something I had done with mistress previously, and she wanted to push me further this time. Breath-play was done using a clear plastic bag (very important point this, to ensure the sub is visible to the mistress during the activity), large enough (but not too large) to fit over my head. And so, mistress slipped the bag over my head, and cut off my air supply, making me fear for my safety in the process. She kept the bag over my head, until she could see that I was beginning to struggle for air, at which point she released the bag, allowing me some much-needed oxygen. This is such an amazing experience; a real sense of fear, plus a jolt of adrenaline to your system. We repeated this, and so 3 or 4 sessions of breath-play were done, with me being able to hold out for longer each time. I did well here, and mistress complimented me on this. So, at this point in the session (about two thirds complete) I had taken many forms of abuse; boot/heel/foot worship, corporal punishment, cbt, ball-kicking, trampling, wax play, needle play, puppy play, watersports and breath play. But there was one big activity still to be done; anal/strap-on play... Mistress took great pleasure in telling me that for the next hour and a bit that she was going to abuse my ass, and that by the time she was finished I wouldn't be able to sit right for a week! I had taken the pleasure of mistress's strap-on in the past. But she had recently purchased a very large strap-on, which she intended to use on me. My bottie was very tight, so thankfully mistress allowed me some preparation. She handed me two anal dildos (a small one and a medium-sized one) and a big tub of lube, and left me alone in her bathroom. She told me I had no more than 20 minutes to make myself ready for her strap-on. And so I guess I don't need to go into detail with you as to what I did in those quite painful 20 minutes. Suffice to say that when I returned to mistress 20 minutes later my arsehold was a lot bigger in size, and I was at least a little more prepared for the ensuing strap-on abuse. Mistress instructed me to bend over a nearby table, and assume the position; head on the table, ass outward, ready for insertion. And she started her strap-on abuse. She started very slowly, lubing both her srap-on and my bottie up, and after finding my hole, pressed in very gently with the strap-on, easing the head in slowly but surely. Until it popped in, which was painful. My ass felt very full with it inserted, and mistress allowed me a minute or two to get used to it. Before she sharted shafting me back and forth. This started slow and gently, but it wasn't long before she was thrusting me hard and deep with the strap-on. Every so often she pulled all the way out with her strap-on before inserting me again, knowing how painful the insertion of the head was to me. This initial strap-on abuse lasted for about 20 minutes. At which point mistress pulled out again, and made me turn to face her. She inspected the strap-on, to make sure relatively clean (I had fully douched prior to the session by the way, and so was very clean internally) and then made me lick it clean. She took great pleasure in watching me lick my ass juices from her strap-on. Once mistress was satisfied that I had cleaned the strap-on sufficiently, she then continued, for part 2 of her strap-on abuse. This time she got me to sit on the table, facing her, with my legs in the air, spread apart. She then positioned herself in between my legs. She applied more lube to her strap-on, and without any warning, thrust the strap-on right in to me! This hurt like hell, but I didn't have much chance to react. For she started thrusting the strap-on really hard and fast, and deeper than before. I cried out with each thrust. But I have to admit I loved it; a perfect mixture of pleasure and pain. I am amazed at mistress's energy; she managed to keep this up for a further 25 minutes. During this time, she added some unexpected twists to the activity, by firstly tweaking, and secondly pulling, at my nipples. She also spat on my face several times whilst thrusting me. And then things took a more dangerous turn; whilst thrusting me, completely out of the blue she covered my mouth and nostrils with her hands, adding some breath-play into the mix! This was the most amazing sensation ever; being thrusted by mistress whilst she was restricting/controlling my breath. And it proved too much for me; within just 30 seconds of this I shot my load. I did not even have time to warn mistress! Due to my position on the table, with my cock pointing upwards towards me, my spunk shot straight out and hit me right on the chin, just an inch from my mouth. Normally mistress would be furious at me for not asking permission to cum. But due to where the cum landed she was in hysterics. She pulled her strap-on out. And again inspected it, to make sure clean, which it was. And mistress then brought the strap-on close to my mouth. I knew what was coming next, or at least I thought I did; I opened my mouth, ready to for mistress's strap-on to be inserted for cleaning. And she did insert it, but not before dipping it in the puddle of spunk on my chin! So, she made me not only clean her stap-on, but taste my own cum. She left some cum though, for she had something else deprived in store for the remainder of the session...part 3 of her strap-on abuse. For this, mistress fetched a massive dildo from nearby (bigger than her strap-on in fact). But this was no ordinary dildo. It had been modified by Crystel, with a small hole in the end, and hollow on the inside. Designed to take liquid, and pass liquid out through the small hole at the tip, like a full-working penis! She made me hold this, whilst she filled it full of milk, nice and cold straight from the fridge. I continued to hold it, whilst she positioned herself again. I was in the same position as before; sitting on the edge of the table, facing mistress, legs apart in the air, bum facing mistress, like a good little slut waiting for her strap-on. And mistress then took her strap-on, and lube it. Not from her tub of lube though; she used the remainder of spunk from what was left of the spunk puddle on my chest! She inserted her strap-on in me again. Slowly this time though; she did not want me to drop or spill any milk from the dildo I was clutching on to. Once her strap-on was fully in me again, she then took hold of the dildo. She asked me how it felt to have my own spunk inserted in my ass. And she then wasted no time in forcing the dildo into my mouth. This dildo was huge, and I only just managed to get it in my mouth. Mistress then had me in the exact position she wanted me for the third and final part of her strap-on abuse. I didn't think it possible, but she upped the intensity of her strap-on action ever more this time. She went so deep ad hard with the strap-on. I tried to cry out (a mixture of agony and ecstacy) but could not, due to the massiv dildo in my mouth that mistress was thrusting back and forth. She squeezed on the dildo every so often, which caused milk to spunk out from it, filling up my mouth, to the point where milk was spilling out my mouth. But mistress continued. She pushed the dildo deep in my mouth, forcing me to deep-throat the dildo, and gag on it, all the while whilst continuing to thrust me with her strap-on. This continued for about 15-20 minutes, at which point all the milk had gone from the dildo, and had spilled out from my mouth on to my face, and on to the floor, creating quite a mess. This pleased mistress immensely, who was laughing throughout at my predicament. Mistress the removed the dildo from my mouth, at which point I though the strap-on session was over. But mistress then continued for a further 5 minutes, with one final bout of strap-on action. Harder, deeper, and faster than before. This time, with the dildo removed from my mouth, I did cry out. And LOUD. I'm not sure if mistress has any neighbours, but I surely hope not! Mistress then stopped, and pulled out her strap-on, which she made me clean one final time. Once this was done, mistress commented on how huge my arsehole was now! She has threatend an ever bigger strap-on will be used next time. And maybe even her fist will be used! So, alas with that final activity, the femdom session was brought to a close. Mistress allowed me to shower and wash, and compose myself. For by this point I was a mess. Not just physically (my bottom was very sore, from the corporal punishment and strap-on, my balls and nipples were also very sore from cbt and needle play) but mentally as well, with mistress having truly put me in my place as her sub. So it was a good thing that I didn't have to rush off to catch a plane. My flight home was not till the next day, and Crystel (whom I could refer to as such instead of 'mistress' now the session was over) and her partner were incredibly good-natured in allowing me to stay at theirs overnight. So, after washing, and tidying up from the session's activities, I then chilled for several hours on the night. We shared a nice meal, before retiring for the night. I slept well that night I can tell you. And then an early wake-up call, after which we said goodbye (until next time), and I then departed in a taxi for the airport, and my flight back. It has now been a week since my session, and I still have marks all over my body! These marks will soon fade out, but one thing which will never fade is my memories of the session, which will stay with me forever. So, in summary, this was the best femdom session I have had yet. I don't know where me and Crystel can go from here, but I'm sure she'll come up with something! (if you are reading this Crystel then I have a suggestion - some filthy forced bi action?). I hope everybody reading this has enjoyed the lengthy read. And hopefully (if not scared off) then it may help you in deciding to book a femdom session with Crystel. Do I really need to assign a score? Pretty obvious really. 10 out of 10

Would You Recommend? Yes

Would Visit Again? Yes

Value for Money: Yes

Rating: 10/10

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